Why Do You Think Online Shopping Is Becoming More Popular?

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Devon Barrett-9160

Why Do You Think Online Shopping Is Becoming More Popular?

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The first web browser was created by a man named  in 1991 and since then the concept of buying goods online has been around. Online shopping has massively changed the way consumers shop in the last ten years, the ability to shop online has been around since 1994 when ‘Pizza Hut’ opened their first online store. Shops such as ‘eBay’ and ‘Amazon’ first appeared on the World Wide Web in 1995 and 1996-however these sites were very different to how they are today. Online shopping has seen an extremely high increase in customers over the years; there are many reasons for this...

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Online Shopping-Why so Popular?

The graph to the left shows UK internet retail sales, as you can see between April 2000 and December 2002 the online retail market value has seen a sharp increase. There are many reasons for this, firstly  that internet shopping is a lot safer then it was ten years ago, sites such as PayPal make online shoppers feel safer as you only give out your card details to one company and they act as a ‘middle man’ between you and the seller. In addition sales have increased due to more people that want to ...

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The report states the term 'internet shopping phobia', and explains the term in detail whereby older shoppers may not feel safe in purchasing products/services on-line. The student discuss how he/she purchased a product, and the ability to purchase with ease along side an evaluation on how this issue could be resolved.

The table which lists two different advantages and two different disadvantages is quite good. The table doesn't just list these points, the points are explained by stating why it's an advantage or an disadvantage. For example the report explains how internet shopping doesn't allow consumer's to touch or try the products, and the report goes further by explaining how the website may have reviews to help the consumer whether to purchase the product or not by reviews left on the website.

The report is quite good, as the report is straight to the point and there isn't much waffle or irrelevant information. For higher marks, the report could use a real case study, and explain how the website became more popular which links with the report title. There is clear reference's to the positives regrading eCommerce, and the report explains how each of these benefits has increased the amount of consumer's using the Internet for internet shopping.