Youth Club Database Solution

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Youth Club Database Solution

I have now created a system, using Microsoft Excel that can be used as a computerised system for the Christ Church Youth Club.  Using Excel I have created a system that combines a Database and Accounts and so has two separate uses and is compact for the User.  This section provides detailed information of how my solution works, with the use of screen dumps and callouts.

The Database

This is just simply a database of all members and their details that have been typed in, and will have to be typed in by the User.  Every record is numbered and this number is in Column A.  For the Front End to work, these numbers must be in numerical order, and this will be covered later.  In this first section up to and including Column J, there are a few features and tools that have been used.


In Excel there is a tool that lets you query the database without using other dialogue boxes.  If you go to Data, Filter, AutoFilter, a series of small arrows appear on the top row:


If you click on these arrows, a drop down menu appears with a list of options (this example is from the ‘Gender’ Field), and an option can be chosen.  Once an option is chosen, records that meet that criteria are shown, with the far left-hand number appearing in blue, as well as arrows of Fields which have been queried:

Here, all the females have been chosen.

Freezing Panes

One useful tool to use is the Freeze Panes.  This means whichever panes, or cells you choose to freeze show on the screen wherever you move throughout the sheet.  In this example I have frozen the first three Fields and top Row so when you move across to fill in accounts records, member’s names are still there to make it easier for the User.  This can be done by clicking on the cell you want to freeze to the left and above it and click Window, Freeze Panes:

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  This is the cell I used to Freeze Panes.

This next screen dump shows the use of Pane Freezing where the names and Accounts area appear together:

Data Validation

You will see on the screen dump one before the previous an arrow has appeared next to the cell.  This is because this cell and the whole Field have been validated.  This is how it works. ...

This is a preview of the whole essay