as You Like It..One of these is the relationship between the court fool Touchstone and a simple country girl named Audrey,

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As You Like It is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is a pastoral comedy, involving a traditional literary style, which allows it to separate from naturalism in its bid to portray the main plot of the story i.e. through conversations rather than a carefully outlined plot.

The conversations are derived from the many important relationships of love and hate throughout the play. One of these is the relationship between the court fool Touchstone and a simple country girl named Audrey, which among other things highlights the characteristics of these characters and the difference between country and court life.

This essay will attempt to describe this relationship and explain how it helps the reader understand these characters.

Initially, before Touchstone journeyed out into the forest of Ardenne, his position in the court was looked on by many as a favoured position because as the court fool you were able to speak your mind and still be looked upon as a fool. In court Touchstone used this to his advantage as he pushed many boundaries and revealed valuable secrets from within the depths of the harsh and malicious court system. Despite this advantage, his position on the Chain of Being, which rules the structured court, is still very low and his words are mainly considered as foolish as his title suggests.
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"The more pity that fools may not speak wisely what wise men do foolishly."

This quote shows that at the beginning of the play Touchstone is portrayed as a person that is thought to talk foolishly however in reality is revealing many secrets that lie embedded in the harsh and malicious court life.

However, when he leaves the court and follows the other members into the forest of Ardenne, he leaves this structured social order behind. Thus he begins a new life where he decides that the people he meets in the country are lower ...

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