A Settlement Enquiry

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Contents page

Page 2- Aim




Page 3- Area of Study

Page 4- Results


Page 5- Results


Page 6- Results


Page 7- Results


Page 8- Results


Page 9- Results


Page 10- Results


Page 11- Conclusion


A Settlement Enquiry


To investigate the perceived effects of the building and operation of Terminal 5 on the quality of life and standard of living of different people. This means we are going to find out how the building of Terminal 5 will affect all types of peoples life in the surrounding areas.


Terminal 5 will benefit all different groups of local people equally. This is a geographical theory of what the affects of Terminal 5 will be. This theory is saying that Terminal 5 will affect all people living in the surrounding area the same.

The objective of my study is to figure out if the hypothesis is right or

wrong, I am going to do this by going to Staines and Ashford and Shepperton surveying all the different types of people (Male, female, adult, child, pensioner, disabled, working class, Family) I am going to ask different questions to find out how terminal 5 affects each group of people and compare the results. I'm also going to find other geographical theories to see if they agree with the hypothesis.


I collected my data by visiting three areas around terminal 5, these were Staines, Ashford and Shepperton. Firstly I went to Ashford, then Shepperton and finally Staines. We went as a class. When we arrived at each destination we split into groups of two's and three's and walked around asking people in the area questions. We asked each individual ten questions mainly about what they thought the effects of Terminal 5. I have then put these into graphs to show what people think of Terminal 5. After we conducted our survey, we went for a presentation at Terminal 5. This showed us all about the building of terminal 5.
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Area of Study

This is a map showing the location of terminal 5 in comparison to Staines, Ashford and Shepperton. The arrow is pointing to terminal 5. Terminal 5 is situated very close to Ashford and Staines and Shepperton. Staines is both a residential and shopping area and is visited by people working, shopping and taking part in leisure activity's. It is quite busy traffic wise and is always full of shoppers. This may be affected by terminal 5 because there will be more people in the area working, because terminal 5 will provide more ...

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