A typical intelligence test asks a variety of questions, many of which are of the type one learns to answer in school

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Can “intelligence” be defined and measured accurately?

In this essay I will look at whether intelligence can be defined and measured accurately through looking at various definitions of intelligence; including definitions from Binet, Wechsler, Terman, Hebbs, Cattel and Vernon. I will discuss a selection of more well known and popular intelligence tests ranging from Galton to Wechsler, what they measure and what they don’t measure. I will look at an example of a famous person renowned for being intelligent and what there IQ test result would likely of been, if tested.

Starting with a definition from the oxford dictionary we can then go on to see how varied the definitions of intelligence can be. Intelligence, meaning “the mental ability the power of learning and understanding” (Hawkins, 1988).

In 1905 Binet suggested that intelligence is the ability to comprehend, judge and reason well (1905, cited in P, Smith et al, 2003) and Wechsler describes intelligence along a similar line agreeing that the ability to adapt to circumstances and rational thinking are part of intelligence  (cited in Gross, 1992).

Three definitions that follow a similar line, the first being from Piaget who sees intelligence as an ongoing process of learning, organising, developing and adapting to situations (Pyle, 1979). The definition from  Hebb  is that it has two meanings, one being “an innate potential, the capacity for development, a fully innate property that amounts to the possession of a good brain & a good neural metabolism”(cited in Heim, 1970, p24) the second meaning is, the functioning of the brain which has developed with the influence of experience and maturity (cited in Heim, 1970) which is similar to Cattels (cited in Detterman, 2005 ) theory where he proposes that fluid intelligence is an innate intellectual ability and crystallised intelligence, as knowledge gained from experience (Letts, 2004). Terman (1921) describes intelligence as a person’s ability of abstract thinking (1921, cited in Heim, 1970).

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It seems that psychologists find it hard to reach an agreement to define intelligence, resulting in the final definition I will mention from Vernon (1969) “intelligence is what intelligence tests measure” (1969, cited in Howe, 1997).

Although most definitions seem to have a similarity, the meaning of intelligence can vary over time and through cultures. It was once thought that intelligence was all down to a persons ability with spelling and arithmetic, whereas in the islands of the south pacific a persons ability to navigate the oceans and there spatial memory are the way to judge a persons intelligence level ...

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