Algebra Story

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  1. Choose the type of problem you want to have. 


  1. Choose the answer. 


  1. Pick someone or several people to be in the story. 


  1. Write an idea for the equation. 

7 pounds at $2/lb peanuts 

Y pounds at $4/lb candy corn

30 dollars spent on mix

  1. Write the basic story. 

  1. Make the story fun/interesting/fact-filled/etc.

  1. Write out the solution to the problem. 



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                4y⁄4=16         y=4

Aaron and his friend were going to have a party. They had chips, cocktail sausages, chicken wings, and a cake. They wanted some party mix of peanuts and candy corn. The peanuts sold for 2 dollars a pound, in which they bought 7 pounds of it. They need to get Y pounds of candy corn selling at 4 dollars a pound. The total weight of the mix is 11 pounds. They could not find any candy corn at any of the local stores. They went to Byerly’s, Target, Mackenthun’s, and Walgreen’s. Then they ...

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