Compare two different articles, between their word length and their sentence length, one being a Tabloid Newspaper, and the other being a Broadsheet.

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By Simon Lee 10ah

Aim: -

In my maths coursework, my aim is to compare two different articles, between their word length and their sentence length, one being a Tabloid Newspaper, and the other being a Broadsheet. I will look at “The Sun” and the “The Diary Express” is because the newspapers are aimed at different people. The Sun is mostly aimed at young teenagers and couple whilst The Diary Express is aimed at older people such as the elderly. I will then analyse this using graphs and afterwards I will comment on both articles.

Hypothesis: -

  • I believe that The Diary Express will have longer sentences than The Sun.
  • I believe also, that The Diary Express will have longer words than the Tabloid; this is because I believe that Broadsheets have a wider vocabulary, than tabloids, which will have shorter words, for younger people.

I will choose two articles that are related to the same subject. This can have an affect on the investigation is because that, any subject can change the style of language and vocabulary, then the investigation won’t be fair, and reliable.

I will choose at least one hundred words or more in my investigation. I will pick ten or more words in each column, to get a more spread out result. This will make my results reliable and this process is very easy. This is because the style of writing may change within the article, having a different use of language in the introduction of the article and having another one till the end. That’s why I won’t pick the first one hundred words of the article.

Problems: -

Within the investigation, there might be a few problems. I have decided these on the things, which I won’t be counting, in my sentence length investigation: -

  • Abbreviations, such as quotes.
  • Names, which will be repeated in both articles
  • Initials, company names or brands

This is because; these words will get repeated, in both articles, which it isn’t fair. I want to know the differences, and therefore if I counted these problems, it wont be very reliable.

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Data Presentation: -

I will present my results, by drawing a cumulative frequency diagram for Sentence Length, and also a box and whisker diagram. For word length, I will draw a bar chart, to show these results and also a stem and leaf diagram.

This will be my basic plan, this what I will be doing.

Articles: -

  • The Sun
  • The Diary Express

Introduction: -

  • Aim
  • Hypothesis
  • Which problems might occur in the investigation
  • Which words/sentences are I am going to look at?

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