Compare weight and height.

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Paul Gallagher 11HY


I am going to compare weight and height

I will choose a random sample of 50% of all the people in year 11 this will be a mixture of 85 boys and girls. I have chosen a random sample because then the results will be fair.

I will get the random sample by using the RND button on the calculator. To do this press 2ndf, RND x 100. then with the resulting number find the corresponding number on the Mayfield data.

I have chosen height and weight because I think that there will be a very strong relationship.

I will look at the people in year 11 because there will be a larger difference in height and weight than if I used the data in year 7, and so my results will be better and easier to use.

My hypothesis is that the higher weight then the taller the person will be.

The data

Below is the random sample of 85 boys and girls in year 11. Some of the data was missing in the sample this could have been because it was missed by mistake when being typed or because the person may not have given that information in to the typist. If I did come across missing data I would just ignore it.

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The first thing that I am going to do with the data is put it in tally charts. This will show me where the majority height and weight lies, which will allow me to draw bar charts afterwards. I will do this twice once for height and once for weight.

As you can see below I have grouped the data into class intervals. I have chosen a class interval of 10 so that I have a sufficient number of intervals.

This tally chart shows the heights of a mixture of 85 boys and girls from year 11


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