Data comparing year 7 and year 11 length estimates - How well can you estimate the length of a stick?

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Data comparing year 7 and year 11 length estimates

How well can you estimate the length of a stick?


I have collected data from year 7 and year 11 pupils and have recorded their estimates of how long they think the bamboo stick is. A bamboo stick of length 1.58m was held up in front of 173 year 7 pupils and 178 year 11 pupils. The stick was held horizontally so the length of the stick could not be compared to the height of the person. The pupils were then asked to estimate the length of the bamboo stick in metres. I have collated the data into two tables, one for year 7 and one for year 11. I have then used this data to pick a random sample of 50 from each year. I have given each set of measurements a number ranging from 1 to 173 for year 7 and 1 to 178 for year 11. In this way I will be able to use my calculator to obtain a random number, which I can use to select a set of data from my tables. I rounded the random number generated to the nearest integer. I have achieved this by using the following formula.

Year 7

Ran# x 173 = person on list.

Year 11

Ran# x 178 = person on list.

This has given me a sample of estimates to work with as shown on the following pages. I discarded the data if I got the same person on the list twice.


I believe that the year 11 pupils will have better estimates of the length of the stick and therefore the mean of their estimates will be closer to the actual length of the stick. I believe that the year 7 pupils will be less accurate and the mean of their estimates will be further away from the actual length of the stick. I also think that the year 11 data will have a smaller range with 50% guessing between 1.40m and 1.60m. I expect the year 11 data to deviate from the mean only slightly and therefore have a smaller standard deviation. I believe that the year 7 data will have a larger range with 10% guessing between 1.40m and 1.60m. I expect the year 7 data to have a larger standard deviation that the year 11 because I believe that each set of data will deviate from the mean by a large amount. I expect the bar chart of the year 11 data to look symmetrical and the median to be close to the actual length. I also expect the bar chart of the year 7 data to look symmetrical however I do not expect the mean to be as close to the actual length.

Overall I believe that the year 11 pupils will have more accurate estimates because they have been working with measurements for a longer time than the year 7 and therefore will have a better idea of how long a metre is.


Year 7

Year 11

Year 7

Year 11

Year 7 Cumulative Frequency

Median = ½ x total cumulative frequency

         = ½ x 50

         = 25th piece of data

Median = 1.56m

Upper Quartile = ¾ x total cumulative frequency

                 = ¾ x 50

                 =37.5th piece of data

Upper Quartile Value = 1.72m

Lower Quartile = ¼ x total cumulative frequency

                 = ¼ x 50

                 = 12.5th piece of data

Lower Quartile Value = 1.32m

Inter-quartile range = Upper Value – Lower Value

= 1.72 – 1.32

= 0.40m

Year 11 Cumulative Frequency

 Median = ½ x total cumulative frequency

         = ½ x 50

         = 25th piece of data

Median = 1.52m

Upper Quartile = ¾ x total cumulative frequency

                 = ¾ x 50

                 =37.5th piece of data

Upper Quartile Value = 1.68m

Lower Quartile = ¼ x total cumulative frequency

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                 = ¼ x 50

                 = 12.5th piece of data

Lower Quartile Value = 1.40m

Inter-quartile range = Upper Value – Lower Value

= 1.68 – 1.40

= 0.28m

 Yr 11 Deviation

Yr 7 Deviation


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