Data handling - Hypotheses- Is there any correlation between the children's favourite sport and favourite subject in yr 8.?

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Data handling coursework task


  • Is there any correlation between the children’s favourite sport and favourite subject in yr 8.?

  • Do older people have a higher IQ than younger?

  • Do girls have a higher IQ than boys?

  • What is the most popular subject in yr 7?

  • Are girls smaller than boys?

Q.  Is there any correlation between the children’s favourite sport and favourite subject in yr 8.?


I found out that I cannot do this hypotheses because it doesn’t have any Quantitive data the data is all Qualitative.

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Do girls have a higher IQ than boys?

The graph I am going to use to show this piece of data is the frequency polygon. In order to do this I will need to construct 2 tally charts to represent boys and girls.





Here is my graph

Result: from ...

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