Different races have different intellects.

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Different races have different intellects.

There is a widespread belief amongst that different races have different intellects. Interestingly enough, this belief is not based on sound facts. There are indeed instances where there are differences in IQ levels between different races, but there is nothing to suggest that one race is more intelligent than the other, or one race is superior to the other. IQ levels can change and are based on several factors which will be discussed further.

In general, blacks are found to have lower IQ scores than whites, which can be largely attributed to socio–economic and environmental factors. “Some IQ difference is attributable to environmental differences and some of it is attributable to genetic differences among social classes (Block & Dworkin, 1976, p98). Highly educated and financially prosperous individuals perform better at IQ tests than poor, uneducated and disadvantaged people.

Early experiences and opportunities exert a big influence on intelligence levels. Parents and others can play a big role and influence in helping a child to gain the mental skills associated with high IQ scores. This conclusion can be based on established facts and extensive research with an example being: “Children whose biological parents were white and who were raised by white parents had slightly higher IQ than children with one black and one white biological parent and children with two black biological parents” (Howe, 1997, pg74) 

Different racial groups are not genetically different in intelligence. There is no such thing as ‘gene for intelligence’ as there is absence of any genetic differences between races that have direct effects upon a person’s IQ.  As quoted in Howe,“If races and IQ were linked, we would expect to observe that the children fathered by white GIs would have had higher intelligence. Infact, there were no differences, the average being around 97% for both groups of children. This finding is clearly consistent with the view that there are no genetically caused differences in intelligence between different racial groups (Howe, 1997, p73)

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Genetic influences don’t affect people’s intelligence directly, except when in rare cases involving specific defects. Genes affect intelligence indirectly, but in ways that are not inevitable and depend on other influences being present. Differences between people in a variety of genetically influenced characteristics cause impact to their lives being experienced differently, which can affect their IQ scores, as a result with the aid of other influences, there are inherited differences between people that play a part in individuals varying in their levels of intelligence. “The fact that different racial groups in this country have widely separated geographic origins and ...

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