Emma Dilemma

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Emma Dilemma

I have been asked to look at people’s names and find the number of combinations to write them. I will look at names with 2+ letters.  I have also been asked to look at names with 2+ letters the same and find the combinations of them too.  I will try to find a pattern between them and make formulae for any of number letters.

To find out the number of combinations at the beginning I will find all the combinations with one letter at the start and then with the next letter at the front.  This is a systematic way of producing the answers and will make it much easier.  For example; if was using Lucy I would do all the combinations with L at the front and these are LUCY, LCUY, LCYU, LUYC, LYCU and LYUC I would then find the combinations with U at the beginning, these combinations are; UCLY, ULYC, UYCL, UYLC, UCYL and UCLY. As you can see this a good and simple way of finding the answer but is very long winded and would take along time to complete the longer names. So I will use a faster way to reach the answer. This faster way is to find the number combinations for the name with one letter at the front and multiply this by the number of letters there are in the name. For example I already know that Lucy has 6 combinations with L at the front if I multiply that by the number of letters in the name which is 4 I should get the answer. 6x4=24. 24 is the correct answer, so there is 24 different ways (combinations) of writing Lucy. This method will not work with a name with 2+ letters the same only with a name with its entire letters different. To work out a name with 2 letters the same I will need to some more work, which is my next step.

A name with 2 letters the same:

I will use the name Emma.

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There are 12 combinations. Half as many as Lucy

I can put this data in a table.


A name with 3 letters different


There are 2 combinations with M at the front.

2x3=6.  There are 6 combinations altogether.

3 letters with 2 letters the same



There are 3 combinations altogether, half as many as 3 different letters the same.  I can now add this data to the table. ...

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