Emma's Dilemma

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27th June 2001                                                                          Tom Pountain 10AEmma's DilemmaI investigated the number of different arrangements of four letters with no repetitions.1)ABCD2)ABDC 3)ADBC4)ADCB 5)ACBD 6)ACDB 7)BACD 8)BCAD 9)BDCA 10)BADC 11)BDAC12)CDBA 13)CBAD15)CDAB16)CADB17)CBDA18)DABC19)DBCA20)DCAB21)DACB22)DBAC23)DCBA24)DABC25)BCDA I have found 24 different arrangements of these letters and this result is confirmed in the tree diagram. Secondly, I have investigated the number of different arrangements of four letters with one letter repeated twice.1)ACBB 2)ABCB 3)BABC 4)BACB 5)BBAC 6)BBCA 7)BCAB8)BCBA9)CBBA10)CABB11)CBAB12)ABBCI have found 12 different arrangements of the letters and this result is confirmed in the tree diagram.  From these two investigations, I have worked out a method that can be used for further work: Firstly, with ABCD you rotate the last two letters, then you get ABDC. Then, with ABCD you must then rotate the last three letters and try the possibilities of ADBC, ADCB, ACDB, ACBD. Because the letter 'B' has been the first number of last three letters before, we don’t do it again.We have list all arrangements with A first, so now we do B secondly: BACD, and we do same thing to it, it will like this:BACD=BADC, BADC=BDCA...BDAC...BCAD...BCDAWe have finished with B first, then we do C next:CABD=CADB, CADB=CBDA...CBAD...CDAB...CDBAWe have finished with C first, then we do DDABC=DACB, DACB=DBCA...DBAC...DCAB...DCBAWe have listed all of the arrangements of ABCD, so with this method we can now use this method to arrange 5 letters, or more.1)ABCD2)ABDC 3)ADBC4)ADCB 5)ACBD 6)ACDB 7)BACD 8)BCAD 9)BCDA10)BDCA 11)BADC 12)BDAC13)CDBA 14)CBAD15)CDAB16)CADB17)CBDA18)CABD19)DBCA20)DCAB21)DACB22)DBAC23)DCBA24)DABCLooking at each number at the beginning of the arrangement, if we times 6 by 4, we would get 24, and we see the total arrangements of 24.Let’s now try this with 5 letters and no repetitions:ABCDEABCEDABECDABEDCABDECABDCEACBDEACBEDACEBDACEDBACDEBACDBEADBCEADBECADEBCADECBADCEBADCBEAEBCDAEBDCAEDBCAEDCBAECDBAECBDThe arrangements of the last 4 letters with 'A' first added up to 24 again, so if we timed 24 by 5 we would get 120, and 120 is also the total of arrangements of 5 letters according to the tree diagram. Then if there are 6 letters in an arrangement, then the total amounts of arrangements should be 120 times by 6, or 720, and according to the tree diagram 720 is the total of arrangements. So if an arrangement has 7 letters, then the total number of arrangements should be 720 times by 7, or 5040, so the total amount of arrangements would be 5040.This is my prediction, so now I'll try and find a formula to show this. I can begin by looking at how the amount of arrangements is mathematically formed for each number of letters that I have looked at.4 4x65 4x6x56 4x6x5x67 4x6x5x6x78 4x6x5x6x7x8Since this only begins with '4x6' each time because I originally investigated four number arrangements, there should be a more rounded way of presenting this data. In retrospect, I can see that the '4x6' can be replaced with '1x2x3x4' to the same affect. 4x6=241x2x3x4=24So now, I can rewrite that
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prediction in a better and universal way.n1 = 1n2 = 1x2n3 = 1x2x3n4 = 1x2x3x4n5 = 1x2x3x4x5n6 = 1x2x3x4x5x6From my own mathematical knowledge, I can see that the data above can be represented by the factorial, '!', of each number. This is because: 1! = 12! = 1x23! = 1x2x34! = 1x2x3x45! = 1x2x3x4x56! = 1x2x3x4x5x6So if we use 'n' to represent the number of letters in an arrangement, then it has a total amount of arrangements of n!.The formula: a = n!n! can easily be calculated on calculator. You must first press key 'n' (whatever the number of letters ...

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