Estimation of ð

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Shayan Ghosh

IB HL Mathematics

3rd May 2002

Estimation of π

Finding an approximate value of π by finding the area of a circle with radius of 1cm. This estimation will be done by calculating the areas of two n-sided polygons, one inscribed and the other circumscribed.


                                                Fig. 1

  1. The area of a circle is given by the formula A= πr² (where A = area, r = radius). For a circle with a radius of 1cm, the area now becomes, A = π × 1² = π.  So if we knew the area of a circle with a radius of 1cm, we would automatically get the value of π.
    The sides of the circumscribed polygon touch the circle at parts just slightly.  However, as the sides of the polygon touch the circle from the outside, the area of the circumscribed polygon is slightly greater than that of the circle.
    The inscribed polygon’s vertices touch the circle from inside; therefore the area of the inscribed polygon is slightly less than that of the circle.

    Mathematically therefore, A
    i < π < Ac          Ai = area of inscribed polygon and
    c = area of circumscribed polygon

    As the number of sides of the polygon,
    n, grows, the difference in areas between each polygon and the circle will decrease, and therefore the average value of the areas will converge onto the actual value of π.

    Fig. 2

To find the area of the inscribed n-sided polygon, we first have to find the area of one isosceles triangle, which has one angle that is formed by subtending lines from the centre to 2 consecutive vertices, e.g. A and B (fig. 2).

The angle
θ at the centre

As the area of a triangle is given by the formula, , substituting values from Fig. 2 into the formula gives:


Area of one triangle,


So area of inscribed polygon


                                                        Fig. 3

The angle θ at the centre          

                        Area of this half triangle,

                        Now, as ,        


So area of circumscribed polygon

Average Area = Area of Circle ≈ π




Average value of area  

  1. Using a spreadsheet to calculate the values of π from the areas of the polygons, for an increasing value of n:

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  1. When n = 400, the value of π calculated from the area of the Inscribed polygon has 2 decimal place accuracy as compared to the given value of π, which is 3.141592654

As compared to the same given value of π, the value of π calculated from the area of the Circumscribed polygon has 3 decimal place accuracy when n = 400.

  1. Using the same method as used to calculate the above, we find that the Average Area has 4 decimal place accuracy

The decimal places of accuracy for both cases were found in the ...

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