Explore the ways in which Carter develops images of female sexuality and power in her stories.

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Explore the ways in which Carter develops images of female sexuality and power in her stories.

In her collection of stories, The Bloody Chamber, Carter develops images of female sexuality and power by subverting the original message and content of traditional fairy tales, while simultaneously reverting back to these key features. In this way, Carter is able to challenge the assignment of gender roles and the patriarchal system in which they are maintained.

Carter achieves this in four particular stories, ‘The Bloody chamber’, ‘The Snow Child’, ‘The Tiger’s Bride’ and ‘The Company of Wolves’. In these four stories, Carter explores the idea of power being asserted through one’s sexuality and the struggle of the female character in finding and asserting that power.

All of these stories contain a dominant male figure, who is able to dominate through his sexuality. He is able to do this because the woman of his sexual desire is always youthful, virginal and has an element of corruptibility.

In ‘The Snow Child’, the girl is a direct manifestation of the count’s sexual oedipal desires. This is why he wishes for the child to be ‘as white as snow’, ‘as red as blood’ and ‘as black as that [raven’s] feathers’. The connotations white suggests are those of purity, virginity and innocence. Red suggests passion, sexuality and desire. However, black connotes images of darkness, death and corruption.

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The Count’s sexual desire is for a pubescent virgin, whose sexual curiosity has been aroused. It is this curiosity that leads to a ‘potentiality for corruption’ as in ‘The Bloody Chamber’ when the girl suddenly sees herself as the marquis sees her.

This female figure can be found in all four stories and it is her sexual arousal that the more experienced male has power over. This is how Carter links male sexuality with the ‘possession, the capture, breaking and ownership of woman’1. Hence, the problem of the female figure asserting her power through her own sexuality occurs.

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