Find out the correlation between organization of material encoded and its retrieval.

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The aim of our project is to find out the correlation between organization of material encoded and its retrieval.

Alternative hypothesis of the experiment is the more organized the material we encode is, the easier it is to retrieve while the null hypothesis is there is no relationship between organization of the material and memory.

The independent variable is whether the words given are organized or not organized. Its operational definition is that, for the organized words, subjects were given a chart in which the rocks names are classified according to their types into different hierarchies; while for the unorganized words, the rocks names are listed randomly.

The dependent variable is the amount of words that can be recalled. Its operational definition is the number of words that the subjects can recall and write down on the paper given.

Our population is students of form five and six in the same co-educational school. 20 subjects are chosen randomly from them.

There are several extraneous variables when doing the experiment, such as subject differences, subject effect, environmental effect and time control. I’ll discuss in the following paragraphs how we control these extraneous variables.

  • Subject differences include different background and education levels. There are twenty subjects in the experiment and we use matching to divided them into 2 groups, 10 for each group, among each group, there are 5 girls and 5 boys which are form the same age group so as to minimize the difference between the 2 groups. To further minimize the subject difference, we use stratified random sampling method. We carefully choose the subjects so that they have same education level. Twenty of them are from the same school and their results in the HKCEE are similar. Therefore, their education level should have no large differences.

  • Subject effect is also one of the extraneous variables. The first one is the demand characteristics. If the subject are informed the purpose of this experiment, they will try to be cooperative and conform the hypothesis by writing down less words in the group that got the unorganized data.  Such that we need to disguise what is really studied. They do not know what is the control group or experimental group. They are told that this experiment is just to test which types of words can be easily memorized, so all of them will try their best to write down the words. And the next subject effect is the positive self-presentation. Subjects may wish to make positive image to the experimenter and may think that the more words they wrote, the better they are, and there might be cheating amount the subjects. This would affect the result. Therefore, the experimenters should monitor the subjects well to avoid cheating. The subjects are asked to sit separately so cheating is difficult. Then, there are 2 experimenters, this ensures that there is no cheating among the subjects and the words recalled are solely due to their own memory.    
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  • There are many environmental variations. Noise from the outside and the noises from the air-conditioner are the main source of effect, it will make the subjects can’t concentrate on memorizing the words and so will affect the result. Therefore, we control the environment variation by standardization (to conduct the experiment in the same room) so that all subjects are tested in the same environment. Moreover, we need to use the method of elimination to eliminate the noise. That room has a quiet atmosphere and can make the subjects more concentrated.

  • Time control is a very important criteria, if ...

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