Find out the differences between three major newspapers; The Independent, The Daily Mail, The Sun.

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By Scott Volker



        In this piece of coursework, I have been working to try and find out the differences between three major newspapers. I decided to use the following newspapers; The Independent, The Daily Mail, The Sun. I chose these three newspapers because, The Independent is a broadsheet newspaper and gives a very detailed account of the article, The Daily Mail is a tabloid newspaper and gives a fairly detailed account of the article, and finally The Sun, this newspaper is a very popular newspaper with most people but gives a very brief account on the article.

        For this coursework I brought all three newspapers on the same day and then used the same article, this would then give a fair result at the end.

        The question I have asked for this piece of coursework is, to work out the various word lengths each newspaper article has. To do this I will select the first five paragraphs of each article and count the amount of letters in each word. I will record this data in a frequency table. From this table I will produce a five point summary which includes, mode median and mean. Then from this I will produce a box and whisker plot to show the inter quartile ranges for each newspaper.

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The Independent

Below is the frequency table for the article I chose from the, The Independent:

        From the table on the previous page I have worked out the five point summary, this below:

Five Point Summary

  • Minimum - 1
  • Lower quartile - 27
  • Median quartile - 54
  • Upper quartile - 81
  • Maximum – 11

        Also the mean number from the data in the table is 108 ...

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