Find out whether the 'new man' exists and if the gender roles are equally shared out between the husband and the wife.

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Salaur Rahman (Selim)        Coursework        Sociology GCSE


Abstract                                                                Page 2

Introduction                                                                Page 4

Background                                                                Page 6 - 9

Methodology                                                                Page 10- 14

Results                                                                Page 15 - 42

Conclusion                                                                Page 43 - 46

Evaluation                                                                Page 47 - 49

Bibliography                                                                Page 50 - 51

Appendix                                                                Page 52 - 55


  • My main aim in this project is to find out whether the ‘new man’ exists and if the gender roles are equally shared out between the husband and the wife. In order for me to find out this I will use various different research methods and also by looking at different sociologists findings.

  • My hypothesis in my project is  ‘The ‘New Man’ does not exist; women still remain responsible for the bulk of domestic labour in the home’ I have chosen this hypothesis because I believe that equality is vital in society and that people should equally take part with the house work.

  • The primary data research methods that I will be using within my project are participant observation and questionnaires. I have chosen participant observation so I ca see with my eyes what really goes not what people say by mouth. I have chosen questionnaires because it is a quick and easy method to get some information.

  • The secondary data research methods I will be using are research studies and statistics. I will be research on many sociologist and use there research result to help be prove my hypothesis. I will also use statistics so I have facts and figures to support my hypothesis.

  • Overall the results that I have got from doing my research methods was that my hypothesis was correct that women still remained doing the bulk of the house hold labour. Even though the couple gained more equality than the past.


In this research study I am going to look at the topic ‘Family.’ This is an important issue in sociology because every person has or had a family in society. Family plays a big role in everyone’s everyday life. The family is very significant aspect of society as the family is the first form of socialisation, it’s the first environment a person is born into through this you learn morals, values and roles as families structure the society.

For this research my hypothesis is ‘The ‘New Man’ does not exist; women still remain responsible for the bulk of domestic labour in the home’ I have chosen this hypothesis because some sociologist suggest that the ‘new man’ exists however, I think this is not factual because by looking at my family I see the women doing most of the household chores this is because it comes form tradition, furthermore, in my sisters family I still see the women doing most the household errands even though they are contemporary.

I will test my theory by doing a number of different types of research methods such as participant observation where I will observe/ analyse two couples between 18-31 and 31+ and see the difference between both of them. To gain more clear understanding and detail for my research, I will be undertaking to create a questionnaire where I will give to ten young couples (18-30) and ten older couples (31+) consisting of five males and five females through this I will be analysing the differences. I will also be looking at many sociologists research study which were carried out. As there suggestions are very similar to my study and I will scrutinize with my results.

In this assignment I expect to prove my hypothesis is accurate. In order for this I will need to assemble quantitative and qualitative data to establish my hypothesis.

There are many different views on the approach of conjugal roles (role carried out by the husband and wife within a marriage)

Some sociologists argue that families have come closer to gender equality. It is been said that the household chores are more equal nowadays.

Some sociologist suggest  that the family is still the same as men have the most power, even though some women have a full time employment women still do the majority of the housework.

Ann Oakley a feminist argued that all homework and childcare was a characteristic of patriarchal utilization. The argument went on to an investigation into whether there is such a thing as a ‘new man’ who is willing to take on more sharing and nurturing family role. She did a research o household and childcare on forty married females her research showed that men were less likely to carry out any household tasks. Even though Ann Oakley’s Sample was very low, her research is backed by Martin Roberts who used six thousand women aged 16–59 to help there research. From this research he found out that men are more likely to take on the more active roles in the housework and childcare if their wives were employed.

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Engel’s a sociologist said that she saw women in a married couple as child producers after publishing his research results. He quarrelled that women are meant to be faithful to there husband as well as financially dependent on them.  

Margaret Bonston (1989) a Marxist has evaluated that domestic labour in financial terms. She argues that a housewife adds importance to the husbands work by cooking, washing their clothes and cleaning their room.

However, Rutherford (1988) suggested that the feminism have fashioned a need for men to reappraise their location within society and the family. Working class men ...

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