Grassland Investigation-Does Light Affect The Distribution Of Daisies?

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Grassland Investigation-Does Light Affect The Distribution Of Daisies?


Many different factors affect the distribution of plants, and many factors affect the population of animals in different areas.  Physical factors and Biotic factors affect these.  They can vary from differences in soil fertility, oxygen levels, pressure, temperature, disease, availability of food, colonization and migration.  All these affect the level of plants and animals found in one particular area.

In this test I am going to see if the level of sunlight affects the distribution of daisies and other plants found in that area.  To do this I have found two almost identical areas of grassland within the boundaries of the school.  One of these areas has an overhang from the trees next to it, meaning the grass is almost constantly shaded.  The other area is very open and has all the advantages and disadvantages of open grassland.  I have chosen these 2 areas because they are both flat, although certain parts of the area must not be included as they are sloped.

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I cannot make this experiment very accurate, as other factors will affect the distribution of daisies other than light, these factors I cannot control.  Factors such as rainwater, human activity on the grassland, etc are not possible to control.  These factors I must take into account when I write my conclusion.  

To collect my results I can use various means.

  1. The Transect

This is a line into the habitat and things along the line get recorded.

  1. The Quadrat

This is a study area, ¼ m², 1m² or larger

Measurements Within The Quadrat


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