I am going to investigate height. To begin with I will use a histogram to compare height throughout the school, then I will split this topic further to compare height of boys/girls. I will compare these with the national averages.

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I am going to investigate height.  To begin with I will use a histogram to compare height throughout the school, then I will split this topic further to compare height of boys/girls.  I will compare these with the national averages.  Then I will investigate the hypothesis ‘the difference in height between boys in years seven and those in year 11 is greater than the difference in height between girls from the same years’.


1. Throughout the school

I am going to use a histogram to compare the average height of students throughout the school.

Why use a histogram?

Histograms (frequency density against height) are more appropriate than bar charts for displaying data with grouped frequencies for different ranges of values.   They have other advantages – it is clearer to display class intervals with low comparative frequencies if the class width is made wider for such intervals.  It will show the data clearly for comparison, displaying plainly which intervals of height have the greatest number of students and which have the fewest.


First I needed to take a stratified sample of students to represent the whole school.  As the sample is at random it ought to show the same results as a histogram of the whole school, just on a smaller scale.  I chose to use 100 students in my sample as I thought that 12% of the school was a fair representation of the variation of height.  I worked out the number of students required from each class by dividing the number of male/female students in each year by the total number (1183) and then multiplying it by 100 (the number of students in my sample).

A Histogram to show the Average Heights of Students throughout Mayfield High using a Sample of 80 Random Students

This histogram shows that most students overall fit into the category ‘160 to less than 165 cm’ and that few students are less than 150 or more than 175 cm tall.  The minimum height of students within my sample is 141cm.  This is a reasonable value provided it is for a year seven.  It is only 6cm below the average international height for a year seven girl and only 7cm below the average international height for a year seven boy.  (see investigation 3) The maximum height of students within my sample is 183cm.  This is also a credible value for a year 11 boy as it is only 9cm above the average height.

2. Between boys and girls

I am going to use two cumulative frequency graphs and two sets of box and whisker diagrams on one axis for easy comparison of the differences in height between the boys and the girls throughout the school

Why use a Cumulative Frequency Graph and Box and Whisker diagram?

As we are only using random sample of only around 12% of the entire school, it is likely that there will be a few anomalous results.  Box plots show the median rather than the mean, which is an advantage because the median excludes any outlying marks – if there are many high marks and one extremely low one, the extremely low one will move the mean mark down despite the many high marks, where as the median will be virtually unaffected.  A box plot on each of the graphs shows not only the median but also the inter-quartile range – how the marks are grouped.  


I needed to use another sample of students from throughout the school.  Originally I was going to re-use the sample from the previous investigation containing 51 boys and 49 girls, but then I decided that for a fair comparison there needed to be equal numbers of boys and girls in the samples.  I re-sampled using 200 students, 100 boys and 100 girls.

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My prediction is that the boys will be taller than the girls all the way through.  The prediction was made without close examination of the table, and purely because it seems the obvious outcome.  I predict that the whiskers on the boys’ diagram will be longer than those on the girls’ and that there will be a skew to the right, as boys grow taller in a shorter time than girls.  I think that the whiskers will be quite short on the girls, and that the box will be shorter as there will be a smaller ...

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