I can conclude from my results that males have larger FEV1 and FVC average values than females, which shows that males have on average larger diameter around the chest and hence they have larger lungs than females.

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Spirometry is a measurement of lung function. It measures the volume and flow of air that is inhaled and exhaled. Spirometry is a tool used to measure lung diseases such as asthma, cystic fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

A spirometry test is performed using a toll called spirometer and is used to diagnose various lung conditions and also to monitor the severity of certain lung conditions and their response to treatment. Spirometry is amore accurate test than peak flow meter for diagnosis and monitoring people with COPD.

Spirometry mainly measures:

  • Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) - this is the amount of air a person blows out in one second.
  • Forced vital capacity (FVC) – this is the total amount of air a person blows out in one breath.

Both measurements are measured in litres (L).

Spirometry is a low risk test. However a person blowing out very hard can increase the pressure in the chest, abdomen and eye. A person should not take spirometry if he:

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  • Has unstable angina.
  • Had a recent heart attack or stroke.
  • Has coughed up blood recently and the cause is not known.
  • Had an eye or abdominal surgery recently.


  1. While standing, slot in the mouth piece into the spirometer holder.
  2. Breathe in fully and then seal lips around the mouth piece of the spirometer.
  3.  Hold the nose so no air escapes from the nose.
  4. Blow out as fast and as far as possible until the lungs are completely empty, this may take a couple of seconds. Then breathe in fully immediately.


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