I plan to investigate whether there is a correlation between height and wrist circumference of UK males.

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Investigation 1


Investigation 1: I plan to investigate whether there is a correlation between height and wrist circumference of UK males.


Null Hypothesis: There is no correlation between the height and wrist circumference of UK Males

Alternate Hypothesis: There is a positive correlation between the height and wrist circumference of UK Males

In order to try to prove or disprove these hypothesise I will construct a scatter graph using Excel©. Excel is a computer program that is easy and clear to understand. On the scatter graph I have decided to put a line of best fit because this will demonstrate graphically a correlation if present. On Excel the line of best fit will be perfectly constructed.

As stated in my introduction I will get my database from a census at school. In doing this it will save time on collecting the results and the results will be reliable. For this investigation I will get 500 data entries. If I plotted all 500 data entries on one graph then it would be illegible. For this reason I plan to only use 20 data entries.

To select the 20 entries I will use random sampling. First I will number my 500 data entries from 1-500.  I will then use the RANDOM key on my calculator. This will generate a random number between 0 and 1, on my calculator I will type in 500RANDOM, as this will generate a number between 1 and 500. I will then select the data entry coinciding with this number.

When using the random sampling method I will ignore all decimal places e.g. 421.943 will become 421. If a number is repeated then on the second case the number will be ignored and I will do another random sample.

Investigation 1


I have now drawn up my scatter graph using Excel©. My original hypothesise were:

Null Hypothesis: There is no correlation between the height and wrist circumference of UK Males

Alternate Hypothesis: There is a positive correlation between the height and wrist circumference of UK Males

From looking at my graph I can clearly see that there is a positive correlation between height and wrist circumference of UK Males. This can be seen because the line of best fit has a positive gradient. Therefore my Alternate Hypothesis is correct.

On my graph there was an anomalous point, which stated that a subject was 148 cm in height and had a 40cm wrist circumference. This anomalous point is circled in red on the graph. There are two possible explanations for this anomaly. Firstly it could be due to an observer error, made when measuring the subject. Secondly it could be due to interpreter error when collating data. Alternatively it may not be an error; a subject may have these measurements. I decided to plot the graph without this anomalous point (above); the correlation was much more positive without the anomaly.

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I think that in general Investigation 1 went successfully. There was nothing that was wrong with it that could have been corrected except the anomalous result. However the only way for me to have changed it would have been to omit the result. I could not do this because if I did it would have undermined my random sampling method because I would be choosing my results. If I were to repeat this investigation, I would like to use a larger sample; this may allow me to explain the anomaly better.

Investigation 2


Investigation 2: I ...

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