In this project I am going to prove that the results of boys are above the results of girls, as they have relatively small brains!

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Maths Coursework – Statistics


In this project I am going to prove that the results of boys are above the results of girls, as they have relatively small brains! I will do this by comparing statistics (which were taken from the website ) for the following categories:

  • Section 1 – Percentage pass rate for boys and girls in several subjects.

  • Section 2 – The mean of my chosen subjects over several years, of al the subjects over allocated years and the mean of boys and girls over allocated years.


  • Section 3 - Comparing the averages of G.C.S.E subjects throughout these years with and without a so called ‘odd’ subject such as Greek.

  • Section 4 - Averages for boys against girls for A-levels but with the use of the same subjects chosen for G.S.C.E. I will use 1999 GCSE’s and  2001 A-Level’s, as these are the same pupils

  • Final conclusion- Can I describe the average student??

[Note: More may be added as I progress throughout the project.]

I will use various types of averages including means, medians, ranges and standard deviation (which were just recently studied). I will also try to vary the types of graphs being used i.e. histograms, bar graphs, line graphs and box plots. I will then conclude each section and state whether boys/girls are above or below average!

Section One

For this section of the project I have decided to choose three core subjects:

  • English

  • Maths

  • Dbl. Science

As well as two others – one that more intelligent people take

  • French

And one that the not so able pupils take:

  • Home Economics

The first graph I am going to draw shows the percentage pass rate for boys in these five subjects compared to the percentage pass rate for girls.

Below is a table of the averages over the 3 years 1999 -2001:

From the table I can already see that on average girls have exceeded boys (boys = 46.1, where as girls = 55.6), but I need to study the graph closely to look into this in more detail.

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Conclusion for

Section 1

In English, French and Home Economics the difference between the boys and girls is relatively larger then the difference between Maths and Dbl.Science. From this I can see that girls on average perform better then boys (sadly)! Linking this back to my introduction, I said that, I was going to prove that boys perform better than girls; however, this is not the case. Although I have only drawn one graph I can already see that on average girls have ‘miserably’ exceeded boys.

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