In this project I had to find out the number of different ways you could arrange any letter words with no repeats, then with one repeat and then find a formula for any number of repeats.

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Kate Parkin 10HB

GCSE Coursework


Emma's Dilemma


In this project I had to find out the number of different ways you could arrange any letter words with no repeats, then with one repeat and then find a formula for any number of repeats.

All Different Letters

First I decided to do a one letter word:


There of course was only one way of arranging it!

Then I did a two-letter word:

Me                Em

There were two ways of arranging that. Next I did a three letter word

You                You

Uoy                Uyo

Oyu                Ouy

After that I decided to do the name Lucy. I found these ways of arranging it:

Lucy                Lcuy                Lcyu                Luyc                Lyuc                Lycu

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Cuyl                Cyul                Cylu                Culy                Clyu                Cluy

Ulcy                Ucly                Uycl                Uylc                Ucyl                Ulyc

Ycul                Yclu                Yluc                Ylcu                Yucl                Yulc

I thought this answer was 24 because there were 4 different letters and 6 different ways to arrange it with the same first letter and so 6x4 is 24

The next name I did was Chloe. I came up with 120 ways of arranging it. For each different first letter there were 24 different ways of arranging the other letters, as ;

Chloe        Chleo        Choel        Cheol        Cheol        Chelo        Cloeh        Clohe        Cleho        Cleoh        Clhoe        Clheo

Coehl        Coelh        Colhe        Coleh        Cohel        Cohle        Ceolh        Ceohl        Cehlo        Cehol        Celho        Celoh

So there would be a total of 24 x 5 = 120 ways of arranging the letters.

The Formula

Next I wrote out a table with ...

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