Investigating three step stairs.

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I am set the task of investigating three step stairs (which I will go into some more detail on later on) and how their position on the number grid and the step total corresponds to the step number.


My basic prediction is that…


Step total – the total of all the numbers in the stair added up

Stair number – this is the lowest number in the stair and is found in the                                        bottom left hand corner of them

Number grid – this is a ten by ten square with the numbers from one to one hundred in it as ten time ten is 100. The ten by ten grid is the grid we will be using in the first part of the investigation but in the second stage of the investigation other smaller and larger number grids will be tested.

 Step number – this is the number of steps the stair is comprised of. As I have stated the step number I will be using for the main part for this investigation will be a three step stair, with a three step number there will be six numbers within the stair.

Establishing a connection

In order to establish a link between n (n=stair number) and the st (st=step total) I must conduct a series of tests on various different three step stairs in different positions on the ten by ten grid. I will, whilst examining the results I gain from different stairs, attempt to find a formula that can be used to predict the st of any three step stair on the grid. As an example of what I am going to do:


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In this example I show the three step stair for stair number one (as can be seen by the number in the lower left corner) so n=1. Also in this example the step total is fifty so st=50. Now that I have gained that information I will begin working on a formula. But how can I start off? I can’t say that all three step stairs are equal to fifty this can’t be so as the step total is dependant on the values of the numbers within the stair. I have to look for a common thing that ...

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