Investigation of the formation of Craters (energy)

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Investigation of the formation of Craters


 When a falling object hits the ground the kinetic energy it has is transferred to the ground, and if the force of the fall is large enough, a crater would be created. In this investigation we are going to try to find out the effect of the mass of object dropped and the height from which they dropped on the size and depth of the crater formed in a box of sand. In essence we are going to change the amount of potential energy in the object that we are dropping and see observe its effects on the craters produced.


My hypothesis if that the size and depth of the crater would increase as we increase the mass of the object dropped, and the size and depth of the crater would also increase as we increase the height from which the object is dropped.

Diagram and apparatus:

        For this investigation we are going to be dropping various objects into sand, the following apparatus will be used:

Stand, clamp, box containing damp sand, a meter rule, marbles and plastacine (used a dropping objects), beakers, water measuring devises (ruler, compass, and a splint), and an electronic scale will be used. Below is how the apparatus for the investigation will be set out:

Also a beaker and about 100ml of water is needed to wet the sand before use to obtain the best results.

Trial and Improvement: 


        Before the results can be obtained from the investigation a trail run needs to be made to verify that the experiment is set up in the right way where the variables  (such as height and mass of the object dropped) in the investigation can be altered easily and would produce accurate results.

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        The apparatus needed for the investigation are obtained and set up the arrangement shown on the previous page. The sand was contained in a lunch-box sized square box and is filled to 2 cm from the rim; it is wetted evenly with approximately 100ml of water. We then dropped a marble with a mass of 21.32 grams into the sand from various heights from 20 cm to 80cm to test if the marble makes an even, rounded crater. Generally the crater that the Marble made was rounded and the size of the crater seem to increase with the increase in ...

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