Knotting Special!

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Knotting Special!

The investigation of knots began as a response to Lord Kelvin’s belief that atoms were knots in the aether, and that chemical properties of the atoms were related to the type of knot. In 1877, P.G. Tait began an attempt at enumerating the knots, and it took him (and work by C.N. Little) 23 years to enumerate the knots up to ten crossings. (Livingston, 1993, p1-2)

The focus then, is to create a list of all the knots, and to include each knot only once. A knot may appear to be completely different to another, but in fact may be the same knot, deformed by several twists and turns of the rope forming the knot. In this project, we focus on some of the earlier attempts to distinguish knots, from the trivial looped string (the unknot), and from other knots that may appear to be the same, but may not in fact be.

The project passes through the following areas:

        Reidermeister Moves – the rules for deforming knots

        Knot Colouring – A basic attempt at distinguishing knots

        Labelling mod p – A more elaborate ‘colouring’ procedure

        Alexander Polynomials – The first polynomial used to distinguish knots

        Joining of knots – what happens to their Alexander Polynomials

        Kauffman's construction of the Jones Polynomial

However, Lord Kelvin was mistaken about atoms being knots (although physicists now have something called Super-string theory, which may evoke memories of Kelvin’s Idea).

We then decided to look at a few areas where knots are used, and where the type of knot becomes important:

        The structure of DNA

        Celtic Knots

        The use of knots to tie ties

Although the use of knots in ties is fairly trivial, and the use of knots in Celtic art is purely decorative, or ceremonial, it becomes vital in the structure of DNA and other proteins, where the knotting of the DNA strands determine how the DNA reproduces.

Reidermeister Moves

Given a knot diagram, which may look complicated, it is often possible to use a series of moves to deform the knot into a more simple knot diagram. It may even be possible to deform the knot into the diagram of the unknot.

These moves fall into 4 types, and are known as the Reidermeister Moves.


The first Reidermeister move, R0, is a move that can deform a knot without changing any crossings:


The second Reidermeister Move, R1, twists, or untwists, a loop in the knot diagram:


The third Reidermeister Move, R2, allows you to slide apart (or slide together) two overlapping arcs:


The final Reidermeister Move, R3, allows an arc, which lies on one side of a crossing, to be slid to the other side of a crossing:

Below is a knot diagram. It can be shown, however that it is not a knot. A series of six Reidermeister Moves will transform the knot diagram to that of the unknot.


Given these moves, it is therefore possible to distinguish one knot from another: if one knot can be deformed using a series of Reidermeister Moves into the other knot, then they are the same knot. If it is not possible to use Reidermeister Moves in this way, then the two knots are not the same.

Clearly, then, all you need to do in order to show that two knots are distinct, is to prove that no series of Reidermeister Moves will enable you to deform one knot to another. However, while this may appear easy, especially for the simple knots, definite proof would be virtually impossible for larger knots.


Knot Colouring

Mathematicians have spent many years studying the colourability of knots. One of the reasons for colouring a knot, and in particular, using just three colours, is to determine if a knot is a knot or not!

If a knot is a knot, you will be able to colour the arcs according to certain rules, remembering that at each crossing of the knot there are three things to colour.

        The arc (i) that passes over the top of a crossing.

        The first half of the arc (ii) that goes under the top arc

        The second half of the arc (iii) that comes out the other side.

Below is the diagrammatic interpretation.


Given that all crossings in the knot are set up in this way, we can now attempt to colour the knot.

When colouring a knot, there are rules that you must abide by.

        You can either colour a crossing using a different colour for each arc. (3 arcs → three colours).

        You can colour a crossing so that all the arcs in the crossing are the same colour.

        You have to use more than one colour.

At any time, each arc at a crossing must be the same colour, or each arc must be a different colour. For example, you cannot have a crossing that has two blue arcs and one red arc.

Sometimes it can be difficult to colour a knot. It might be that you are following the rules for colouring each crossing, but then you reach a crossing that does not obey the colouring rules. This does not immediately prove that the diagram you are attempting to colour is not a knot, but that you may not have yet discovered the correct colouring.

If a knot is 3-colourable, then, since the unknot is not 3-colourable, the knot must be distinct from the unknot. However, it may be that a knot is not 3-colourable, but in this case we cannot say that it is the same as the unknot! For example, the figure of eight knot cannot be 3-coloured (Gilbert & Porter (1994) p9-10), but is distinct from the unknot.

It is easier to colour a small knot like a basic trefoil because there are only so many combinations of three colours, and you can often see what colour should go where by sight. However, when you have more intricate knots such as the ones used in Celtic design, it becomes more difficult to determine if the knot is colourable as there are often many crossings, and it is not always possible to see the effects of colouring one crossing on the rest of the diagram.

Certain rules do show up, however. For example, If you have a trefoil (already 3-coloured), and you wish to add another knot, then you will need to split an arc in the trefoil. We discovered that the two loose ends, where the new knot is to be attached have to be the same colour.

Colourability and The Reidermeister Moves

If you do manage to 3-colour a knot, however much you twist and distort the knot, it will still be 3-colourable (although the colours used for each arc may well be different). This shows that Reidermeister moves do not affect the colourability of a knot.

Colourability, then, can be used to decide whether two knots are the same. If presented with two knots, one of which is colourable, and one that isn’t, we can be sure that they are not the same knot. However, as mentioned previously, if you have not managed to 3-colour a knot, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a 3-colouring doesn’t exist!  

Also note that, with two knots, one colourable and one not, no sequence of Reidermeister Moves will transform one to the other.

Labelling Knot Diagrams, Mod P

The labelling of knots follows almost directly from the colouring of knots. If a knot can be coloured, then we have effectively labelled the arcs with a colour. It may be more useful, however, to be able to label knots with numerical values, since we can apply mathematical methods to determine whether a knot can be labelled or not, rather than relying on trial and error with colouring.

The rule for labelling a knot is that at each crossing, with the overpass being a, and the two arcs that form the underpass being b and c:

Unlike the colouring of knots, the labels that enter a crossing need not be all the same, or all distinct. It is allowable to have two out of the three labels at a crossing being equal. However, two distinct labels must be used in the whole diagram.

For example, suppose we wish to label the trefoil knot, mod 3.

We label the arcs as x, y, and z, and the crossings as c1, c2, and c3. 

If we let x = 0, then at crossing c2, the relationship is:

To make this possible, either y=z=0, or y + z = 3 (making the relationship equal to –3, which is 0 (mod 3)

If y + z = 3, and neither y, nor z are zero, we can have y=1, z=2, or y=2, z=1.

Suppose we take the solution to be x = 0, y = 1, z = 2. We check these values at the other two crossings. Note that the relationship is slightly different because a different arc forms the overpass at each crossing.

For c1:                                and        

For c3:                                and        

Therefore, we know that the trefoil can be labelled, mod 3, with one arc labelled as 0, the next as 1, and the third as 2. In fact, the only mod 3 labellings for the trefoil are permutations of the same labelling, using 0,1, and 2. 

Given that the trefoil can be labelled, mod 3, then we know that it is a knot, and not just a projection of the unknot. In addition, if we have another knot that cannot be labelled mod 3, we know that the two knots are distinct. For example, the figure of eight knot cannot be labelled mod 3, and so is distinct from the trefoil.  

The logical method for attempting to label the figure of eight (mod 3) is as follows:

If x = 0, then at c3, w + z = 3, or w + z = 0.

If w = z = 0, the w = z = 0. If w = z = x = 0, then y = 0, which is not a solution.

∴w + z = 3 ⇒ w = 1, z = 2, or w = 2, z = 1

If w = 1, z = 2 Then at c2, 2w-y-z=0 becomes

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2 - y – 2 = 0 ⇒ y = 0

So x = 0, y = 0, z = 2, w = 1

But at c1, the relationship is 2z – y – x = 0, which becomes:


which is not 0 (mod 3), and so this labelling will not work.

What if we take w = 2, z = 1?

Then at c2, the relationship 2w – y – z = 0 becomes 4-y-1 = 0 ⇒ y = 0, but this makes the relationship 2z-y-x=0 at c1 become 2 – 0 ...

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