Maths Coursework: Equable Shapes

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Maths Coursework: Equable Shapes

Maths Coursework: Equable Shapes

An Equable Shape is one in which:

* The Perimeter and....

· The Area

Have the same numerical value. Our task is to find out what we can about these shapes.

My Plan:

Firstly, I will investigate equable rectangles working in scale ratios. I will investigate them calling one side "n" and the other side 1 (n: 1). For example if the scale was 3:1, I could have one side as 4, the other as 12. To find out the equable ratio lengths for "?:1" - I would input the nth term (3, 4, 5...) and the answer (after finding out the formula) would give me the length of 1 to make the shape equable! To do this, I will find out the answers (2:1, 3:1 etc.) and list the results out. I will then ask myself if there is a connection between them. I will then work on my findings to find a suitable formula. If I cannot work out the formula this way I will work out when answer then substitute "a" and "n" in as necessary.

After Exploring Equable Rectangles I will explore regular polygons. What should be the side length of an "n" sided polygon? By inputting the number of sides as "n" the formula should work out how long the sides ("a") should be in order for the shape to become equable. To work out this formula I will use a different method to the one used above. I will calculate the length for 1 polygon and the substitute "a" and "n" where needed. I would then break this down into a formula starting with "a = ...." I will then see if then ask myself if there is a relation between the two sets of results and formulas and compare them against each other.

Investigation into Equable Rectangles

Firstly, I will work out the equable 1:2 rectangle...


2(a + 2a) = a * 2a - Next Step is to expand the brackets.

2a + 4a = a * 2a - Now I have to simplify.

6a = 2a ^2 - Change the formula around to make ...= 0

-2a ^2 + 6a =0 - Now I need to factorise.

-2a ( a - 3 ) = 0 - Now I work out what "a ="

We have different answers.

-2a = 0 ( a = 0 )

a - 3 = 0 ( a = 3 )

So the obvious answer is a = "3".


2(a + 3a) = a * 3a - Next Step is to expand the brackets.
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2a + 6a = a * 2a - Now I have to simplify.

8a = 3a ^2 - Change the formula around to make ...= 0

-3a ^2 + 8a =0 - Now I need to factorise.

-a (3a - 8 ) = 0 - Now I work out what "a ="

-a = 0 ( a = 0 )

3a - 8 = 0 ( a = 2 2/3 )

Therefore a = 2 2/3

Now after doing this same method for several more rectangles the following pattern emerged...


This is a preview of the whole essay