Maths Investigative task on perimeter of a rectangle and volume of shapes

Authors Avatar by kanakkabara1234 (student)


  1. Your task is to find the value of dimension that minimizes the perimeter. By using technology, list all the possible values of length, width, and perimeter with area 1000m2.

Data attached at the back. Color code: Yellow shows the best value that matches the requirements, red matches with red and green matches with green.  Here is some sample data:

The answer to this question is when the perimeter=126.5m, length=32 and width is 31.25.

  1. Make a formula and predict the kind of graph and test if the hypothesis holds on your findings.

For the formula of this question, I have used the standard equation for the perimeter of the rectangle.

To get the equation in two variables, we will have to convert one of the variables in terms of another variable. To do this, I used the area formula:

As the area is kept constant at 1000 in the investigation, the formula can be made into,

From this we can transfer the variable length to isolate width, thus getting a new equation.

Substituting this in the original perimeter equation,

To prove my formula right, I will make use of two examples.

X=5 (when length is 5m)

The perimeter will be:

X=10 (when length is 10m)

The perimeter will be:

As seen above, my formula functions perfectly.

According to the question, the graph should be made on length/width by perimeter. As the perimeter can only be zero when either the length or width is zero which is an impossible scenario, the graph will never touch the x-axis or y-axis as neither the perimeter nor the length or width will be zero. This is a trait of a reciprocal graph.

Also visible from the formula above, the graph that will result from the following rule will be reciprocal graph, although not exactly like a reciprocal graph. To prove my hypothesis right, the graph has been placed on the next page.

  1. What relationship do you observe?

As seen from the graph, the graph is a reciprocal graph. This can be said as the graph never touches any of the axes which prove that the graph is a reciprocal graph. We also see that the perimeter is value is actually the least when the length and the width are almost the same or the same. We can prove this as in the above example; the least perimeter is when the dimensions are 32 by 31.25, which is close to being a square of 32 by 32. Thus we can say that the closer the values of length and the breadth, the lesser the perimeter. To prove this, if we expand our value even further we can see that the least perimeter is for the rectangle with dimensions 31.6 by 31.65.

  1. What degree of accuracy have you used in your findings? Why?

In my finding I have used a degree of accuracy of 3 decimal places. I have done this as most of the data is quite close to each other and just points away. Thus using 3 decimal places gives me accurate data without any repetitions. E.g. for the number 1.3344 and 1.3334, if I used 2 decimal places I would have the same value of 1.33 but using 3 decimal places gives me 1.334 and 1.333. Thus using the 3 decimal places gives me accurate data plus there is no repetition. I have also done this for more accurate data than lower decimal places with the same graph as any higher decimal places. As I have made use of technology to calculate my results, they are even more accurate as there is very less room for error.

  1. Suggest any method that you may use for the improvement of your work.

Although my results and graph are very accurate, I could still improve them by doing many other things. I could have made the graph using two graphing software to confirm my graph and my findings. I could have further improved my findings by making use of the length further in decimals to get a more accurate result for the minimum perimeter. This would also improve the rest of my findings and maybe even affect the graph in a positive manner. I could have made use of another method to find my formula, as it is not reliable because it is formed using only one method. These are some of the methods I could use to improve my work. I could have also used Microsoft Excel to find the equation of the curve.

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  1. Generalize and form this for any area of your choice, use your understanding to show situation where we can use the concept of minimizing perimeter. Solve the example below and give two more examples.

For the general equation of finding the minimum perimeter of a figure with a given volume, I use the method of trial and error to find. I first square rooted the area. The answer I got was actually the minimum perimeter divided by 4. So I got the formula:



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