Maths Sequences Investigation

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Maths Coursework

        Firstly I drew out a series of patterns so I could study the many different aspects of them. Here is what I found:

  • The number of Black Squares increases each time by the number of white squares.

  • The number of White squares increases in multiples of four every time

  • The total squares equals the sum of Black Squares and White Squares

  • The diameter increases by two every time

Because this sequence of patterns follows a sequence and increases by some set amount each time I can assign a Pattern Number or ‘N’ as an integer to increase by one every pattern. Here is another table but showing N:

        Now I can use n as a basis for building equations used to define the different aspects such as the ones in the table above. Here is the equation for the number of white squares:

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4 x N = the number of white squares

4N = W

And I also worked out the equation for the Diameter of any pattern:

2 x N + 1 = the diameter of the pattern

2N+1 = D

        These two equations were relatively easy to work out because they follow a set increment. I simply looked down the table above and noted down the difference in them:

Forming an equation for the total number of squares is slightly harder. Now I will explain how I worked it out:


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