My main factor I am investigating is going to be weight. For the majority I aim to investigate the effect of weight on height. I am also going to look at the frequency of different weight groups among people.

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Maths Statistics Project

By Amir Taaki 10T

My main factor I am investigating is going to be weight. For the majority I aim to investigate the effect of weight on height. I am also going to look at the frequency of different weight groups among people.

  • The height will be measured in cm. I will keep it continuous by not asking the people to place their heights into groups, but instead enter their heights. This will be Quantitive data.
  • The weight will be measured in cm. I will keep it continuous by not asking the people to place their weights into groups, but instead enter their weights. This will be Quantitive data.
  • I will collect this data myself.

I predict average height people weigh the least, followed by smaller people, who weigh more than usual, and lastly the taller people will weigh the most.

I think smaller people will weigh more than average because people who stay indoors and don’t get as much exercise (to burn the calories) put on weight, and don’t grow because they don’t get enough exercise.

Taller people, I think will weigh the most because they will have more bodily mass to make up for them being tall (for example imagine cubes, you stack the cubes up to make a taller cube which has more mass than the individual cubes).

Although greatly exaggerated the graph shows what I mean.

I predict that the average height will be or a range ]150cm, 160cm[ for Year 7 and Year 8 Girls and Boys. I have predicted this because my own height is 165cm and I know my height doesn’t fluctuate wildly, and that I haven’t grown much since Year 7 and 8, so I took away 10 cm which left me with 155cm ± 5cm.

I also predict that the average weight will be over a range of ]45kg, 50kg[ for Year 7 and Year 8 girls and Boys. I have predicted this because I know I was about 48kg in Year 7 and Year 8 and weighed about the same as most people.

  • For Weight against Height I will do a Scatter graph and line of best fit graph (if the points show any correlation) for Year 7 boys, Year 7 girls, Year 8 boys and Year 8 girls.
  • For Frequency of weight groups against Weight I will plot a histogram for Year 7 boys, Year 7 girls, Year 8 boys and Year 8 girls.

My project can be based on either primary data(collected by yourself) or secondary data(or from a secondary source- hence the name). Secondary data being good in that it’s easy, and cheap to get fails in the fact that it might be out of date, unreliable or you might not get exactly what you want. Because of this I’m choosing primary data for my project. Primary data is of course time consuming and expensive(not in my case, but for businesses), but because it fixes the flaw that secondary data has (in being exactly what you want, how you want it) I choose it for the majority of my project.

The way a collect my primary data on my population could be either in a sample or a census. My first choice would be to go for the census (being mostly unbiased), but failing the resources I have to go for a small sample of my population.

Although biased in the way that the select view may not represent the whole population accurately I will try to reduce this by increasing my sample size to the largest possible amount.

The way I select those select few could be in any number of different ways. I could select those people randomly.

E.g I could place the names in a hat and select them out, or even better I could make a program on the computer where by you have to enter names into it and then it uses a randomiser to select a few names of the required number I want. But this method could by accident choose to concentrate more of its sample on one particular group and so affect the results, which is why I will not use this method.

I could use cluster sampling. This consists of when you have a population with many separate clusters of roughly the same size. You select one cluster(or more) from random (random sampling) and use all its people as your sample. But this could be largely inaccurate because one cluster may look the same but in fact be wildly different form the others.

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Alternatively I could use Stratified sampling. For instance if I have a population divided into groups that are of different size I could get samples from each group proportional to each other (depending on the size of the group to another and my max sample size). But since my population has groups of the same size I need not use this.

Lastly is Systematic sampling. This is done by taking regular intervals done a list for the total amount of people you want.

                      *p = total amount of people


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