Number Grid

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Number Grid

Number Grid

I have been given the following task:


I will now carry out this investigation in four different parts.  

The 1st part includes 1 variable; which is the one given to me on the task sheet. I am going to investigate what the difference between the opposite products inside a square shaped box is. I will calculate the differences using the grid for 4 different sized square boxes and then put my results into a table. After doing this for all 4, I will look for a pattern with all my data and try to come up with a general formula which will give me my nth term. After getting my formula, I will predict an nth term using the formula and also calculate the differences using the grid and see whether my formula is correct.

For the 2nd part of the investigation, I will be using 2 variables to extend the task further. I am going to investigate what the difference between the opposite products inside a rectangular shaped box is. I will do this by using the 1st formula and then see if there are any connections or similarities I can make.

For the 3rd part of the investigation, I will be using 3 variables to extend the task even further. I will be using the first two formulas to link them with the grid size. I will then find a formula which will relate the shape of the box inside the grid and the size of the main grid.

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For the 4th part of the investigation, I will be extending the task so that 4 variables will be present in my formula. I will be changing the multiple of this grid and then comparing all of the formulas to see if I can get a general formula which would then include the length of the shape inside the grid, the width of the shape inside the grid, the size of the main grid and the multiple of the main grid.


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