Parts of Speech

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Parts of Speech

Noun: Names a person, place, or thing-either abstract (Love is wonderful.) or concrete (The flower bloomed.)

Verb: Expresses action (He jumped.) or state of being (She will be late.)

Pronoun: Replaces a noun or pronoun (Tom found his watch.)

Adjective: Describes or limits nouns or pronouns (She is a pretty girl).

Adverb: Describes or limits verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs (He runs quickly.)

Preposition: Shows relationships between a noun or pronoun and another noun or pronoun (The towel was on the floor.)

Conjunction: Links words, phrases, or clauses (Mary and I went home.)

Tips For Using the Parts of Speech

  • Capitalize proper nouns: My uncle was in Desert Storm.
  • Make nouns plural by adding -s or -es in most cases: The bears awoke.
  • Make nouns possessive by adding -'s to singular nouns (dog's bone) or the apostrophe alone if the noun is plural (the Smiths' home).
  • Singular nouns require singular verbs: My sister laughs often.
  • Plural nouns require plural verbs: My sisters laugh often.
  • A verb tense indicates the action of the verb.
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Sentence Review

A predicate is the part of a sentence that tells what the subject does or is, or what is done to the subject.

Phrases are groups of related words that are missing either a subject or a predicate.

Clauses are groups of related words, with a subject or predicate, that are part of a longer sentence.

Sentences express a complete thought and have a subject and predicate.

Tips for Writing Good Sentences

  • Fix run-on sentences by rewriting the sentence or adding punctuation between two independent clauses.
  • Correct sentence fragments by adding the missing subject or predicate to phrases or ...

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