T-Shape Investigation.

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Nathaniel Cummings 10A Math Coursework Mrs. Young

T-Shape Investigation


I was told to make a graph which was 6 by 3 grids like this:

Then I had to put in a T-shape

From using the T-shapes I have to translate (slide) the T-shape to different positions on the grid. I then have to investigate the relationship between the t-number and T-total. By translating the T-shape I should be able to find a rule to predict the T-total.

The T-total is the numbers in the T-shape added up. In this case it is 1+2+3+8+14=28

A T-Shape is the shape which is made out the numbers in the grid.

The T-Number is at the bottom of each T-Shape. In this case the T-Number is 8.

To try to find a rule I am going to “Break down this problem”. I am going to draw a 5 by 3 grid the 6 by 3 and then a 7 by 3 grid.  This will help me to see if there are any patterns which are the same between the grids if there are changed.  For each grid I make I will translate the T-Shape to also see if there is any patterns.

5 by 3 grid

My first grid is a 5 by 3 grid. I have placed two T-shapes inside this grid. I am going to see I can find any patterns which are the same in these T-shapes.

I am going to see if I can see any patterns which are the same from looking at the T-Totals and the T-Numbers

The first T-shape (blue outline) T- Total is 1+2+3+7+12 = 25

 The T- Number of this T-shape is 12

The second T-shapes (red outline) T- Total is 2+3+4+8+13 = 30

The T- Number of this T-shape is 13

I am now going to put this information in to a table to make the information easier to read.

From this table of my results I can that the T- Total goes up by 5 when you translate it to the right. I am going to predict that for my third translation the T- Total is 35.

This T-shape is in brown


3+4+5+9+14 = 35

My prediction is correct. I have come to the conclusion that each time you translate a T- shape as I have done the T-Total increases by 5.

This works because if you slide the T-Shape over once to t he right each number is increased by one. There is 5 numbers in each T-Shape so if you move the T-shape over each individual number is in creased by 1.

E.g. 1 changes to 2

       2 changes to 3 etc

6 by 3 grid

I am now going to make a 6 by 3 grid to see if there are any patterns which are the same as the 5 by 3 grid.

The first T-shape (blue outline) T- Total is 1+2+3+8+14 = 28

The T- Number of this T-shape is 14

The second T-shape (red outline) T- Total is 2+3+4+9+15= 33

The T- Number of this T-shape is 15

I am now again going to put my information into a table so it is easier to see any patterns.

Here again I can see that the T- Total is increased by 5 when it is translated to the right. The explanation that I put forth in the last grid of why the T- Total increases by 5 will always work on this problem. This is because you do not change the number of numbers in the T-shape. It is always 5, so my reason should still work.

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So my prediction for the Third position will be that it is increased by 5, which will equal 38.

3+4+5+10+16 = 38

This shows that my prediction is correct once again.

From my previous work on the nth term I have made a rule for the T-Total. This rule is 5n.

I have made this rule to make it easier to use once I have found a rule to predict the T- Total using just the T-number and the size of the grid it is drawn on.  

7 by 3 grid


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