T Total - Investigation into T-shapes

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T Total - Investigation into T-shapes!

Aim 1- the solution

You need to draw your own grids

T69= 50+51+52+60+69




In the diagram below it shows the difference between the T-number and the other numbers. First is the T-shape in question:

2 3



This is the T-shape and here is the Difference T-shape:

N-19 N-18 N-17



This shows the difference N= T-number

In the T on the previous page, I have noticed that the first difference from N is 9, which is also the Width of the square.

I'll put that idea into another T. Note W= width number (9)

N- (2W+1) N-2W N- (2W-1)
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This is the same thing as before but shown algerbrecly.

The formula for the Value of the T-total now is shown as:


Aim 2- different sizes and relationship

I know this works for the grid 9 by 9 but I'm not sure if it'll work for any other grids.

You need to draw your own grids


=42 I notice this is five more than 9 by 9


=275 Obviously no pattern there.

Method test.

(695)-70=275 it worked


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