The aim of my investigation is to investigate the factors IQ and KeyStage 2 Results for girls and boys of a fictitious secondary school. I am then going to see how the results differ between the sexes.

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The aim of my investigation is to investigate the factors IQ and KeyStage 2 Results for girls and boys of a fictitious secondary school. I am then going to see how the results differ between the sexes.

I am going to investigate the following statements, “Boys will have a higher modal and median IQ scores than girls”, “Boys are smarter than girls but girls will achieve higher grades because they work harder,” and “KeyStage 2 Results are comparative to IQ.”

I will start by collecting the relevant information from I know this information is reliable because the website was suggested to us by Mrs Allen and she is a reliable source. The next step is to collect a sample size. I have chosen to use stratified sampling and to take a percentage of 10% of both girls and boys from each year. So for example, if there are 200 pupils in year nine, 90 girls and 110 boys, I will randomly select 9 girls and 11 boys from year nine.


I will ensure it is a fair sample by selecting the data using the random function on Microsoft© Excel. See appendix 1.1 for my samples.

If I am to come across any obvious anomalous results I shall exclude such datum from any further investigation to make my analysis as accurate and fair as possible.

To see if my statements are correct I will first have to plot IQ and KeyStage 3 Results in separate tally and frequency charts for both girls and boys and use it to find the mean, mode, median and range to analyse.

Because KeyStage 2 Results are in 3 different parts I will take an average of the 3, rounded up to the nearest whole number.

After this I will look independently at girls and boys KeyStage 2 Results against IQ in order to make a conclusion for my 1st statement.

I will analyse these results by seeing first if boys have a higher ‘average’ IQ than girls and then if the girls have higher ‘average’ KeyStage 2 Results than boys, thus proving my statement either correct or incorrect and my investigation complete.


I will calculate the standard deviation for my results. I will do it using the following expressions:

((x - ma)²/n)


 ((x - mn)²/(n - 1))


x = an individual result

n = the number of test results

ma = the mean of the theoretical normal distribution curve for all results

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mn = the mean of n results

Generally the second expression should be used for analyzing statistical data and this is the formula I will use. The first expression is only valid for theoretical, ideal cases.


KeyStage 2 Results

Here are the results for the first part of my investigation:


Mean KS3R for boys = 4.05

Mean KS3R for girls = 4.11


Modal KS3R for boys = 4

Modal KS3R for girls = 4


Median KS3R for boys = 4

Median KS3R for girls = 4


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