The aim of this experiment is to see how the height of a ramp affects the average speed of a truck on a run off distance.

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For my coursework I have got to see how height affects the average speed of a truck. I will be concentrating on a run off distance which will be timed,  me and my class will do 1 experiment between us so we can have more accurate results.  

Aim:  the aim of this experiment is to see how the height of a ramp affects the average speed of a truck on a run off distance.  

Prediction: I predict that as the height of the ramp increases the average speed of the trolley over the run off distance will increase.  I can explain this scientifically, the gravitational potential energy will increase as the height of the ramp increases, also has the gravitational potential energy increases so does the Kinetic energy. As the trolley moves down the ramp the gravitational potential energy decreases and the kinetic energy increases, I can show this in a diagram:

Gravitational potential energy at the top of the ramp will equal the kinetic energy at the bottom.

MGH = ½ MV²

MGH = ½ MV²

Both mass cancel each other out


GH = V² ÷ 2

We then multiply the GH by the 2

2 x GH = V² ÷ 2

So the ÷ 2 is cancelled out by the 2 x


2 x GH = V²

Then square root the 2 x GH

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√2GH = V

M = Mass

V = velocity

G = gravity

H = Height

I have used the equation

√2GH = V

For example V = √2 x 10 x 0.1 = √2 = 1.4

My table shows that the higher the ramp the higher the velocity becomes this proves that my prediction was right.  

We took a ruler and measured 0.01 on ...

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