The Fencing Problem

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The problem:

A farmer has 1000m of fencing and wants to fence a plot of land.  It can be any shape but must have a perimeter of no more than 1000m.  I am going to investigate the effects of using different shapes to get the largest possible area using the 1000m of fence.


I will now investigate different types of triangles as they have the least number of sides.  Isosceles and scalene triangles will be my starting point.


The triangle’s area will increase as the triangle’s height increases.

Below are examples of different triangles.

Here is an equilateral triangle, a triangle with all angles and sides the same:

Here is a right-angled triangle, a triangle with a right angle:

Here is an isosceles triangle, a triangle with only two sides the same length:

Finally, a scalene triangle, with no sides the same length:

(It may include a right angle)


I have found that the triangle with the largest area was the isosceles triangles with sides of 333.3m long.  In this triangle, all the sides are the same length so it is an equilateral triangle.  In conclusion, the largest area of a triangle is 48112 .52 m2.

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Next, I will investigate simple four sided shapes called quadrilaterals.  I will investigate different rectangles and squares.


I predict that the closer the length and width values get to equalling each other, the larger the area will be.

Below are a square and a rectangle:


                     100                                              150


                                                 50             RECTANGLE                50

100                SQUARE        100



The formula to work out the area is:

Area = Length x Height


100 x 100 = 10000

50 x 150 = 7500


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