The image of the T-shape shown below is drawn onto a 9 by 9 grid. The total of the numbers inside the T-shape is 1 + 2 + 3 + 11 + 20 = 37

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The image of the T-shape shown below is drawn onto a 9 by 9 grid. The total of the numbers inside the T-shape is 1 + 2 + 3 + 11 + 20 = 37, therefore the T-total is 37. The number at the bottom of the T-shape is called the T-number. In this particular T-shape the T-number is 20.

The problem I have been set is to investigate how the relationship between the T-total and the T-number is affected when I translate the T-shape onto different positions on the grid.

In addition I am also going to use grids of different sizes and translate the T-shape onto different positions on these grids. By doing this I will be able to investigate relationships between the T-total, the T-number and the grid size.

Furthermore I am again going to use grids of different sizes. On these grids i8 am going to try transformations and combinations of transformations. From doing this I am going to investigate the relationship between the T-total, T-numbers, the grid size and the transformations.

I will display and explain any patterns relationships and formula I find.

Part 1

In this section of my coursework I am going to be investigating the relationship between the T-total and the T-number.

Below there is a 9 by 9 number grid with 3 T-shapes drawn onto it, the T-shapes are highlighted in a red colour. As you know the number at the bottom of the T-shape is called the T-number and all of the other numbers that are highlighted, add together to make the T-total.

My initial idea was to draw 3 T-shapes onto the 9 by 9 grid. I decided to draw the T-shapes so that they would be overlapping each other. The following diagrams show what each individual T-shape would look like:

T-shape 1:

T-shape 2:

T-shape 3:

Working out the relationship between the T-total and the T-number

To work out the relationship between the T-total and the T-number I decided to work on the 1st T-shape I had drawn.

Firstly I abbreviated the T-total to T and the T-number to N. By doing this it will be more practical to use these terms in my formulas.  

T      N

37 = 20 + 11 + 1 + 2 + 3

The first T-shape had a T-total (T) of 37. I then needed to work out the difference between the T-number (N) and the rest of the numbers in the T-shape.

This is what I done:

The difference between the T-number (N) and the other numbers in the T-shape was:

20 – 11 = 9

20 – 1 = 13

20 – 2 = 18

20 – 3 = 17


T = N + (N-9) + (N-19) + (N-18) + (N-17)

I then substituted my formula with the actual numbers from the 1st T-shape; this is the answer I got:

37 = 20 + (20-9) + (20-19) + (20-18) + (20-17)

I worked out the answer for the formula I had found:

37 = 20 + 11 + 1 + 2 + 3

If my formula so far was correct then the numbers I got above had to match those that were in the 1st T-shape (as this was the shape I was using to work out the relationship).

The 1st T-shape was:


From this I realized that the numbers I got from using my formula were the same to those that were in the T-shape. Therefore my formula must be correct.

So the formula for the T-shape on the 9 by 9 grid was:

T = N + (N-9) + (N-19) + (N-18) + (N-17)

I then simplified the formula by collecting the like terms. This is the final formula I came up with:

T = 5N – 63

Testing my formula

To test that the formula I had found for the 9 by 9 was correct I randomly chose N to equal 40, 43 and 47. The grid shows the T-shapes for each of these T-numbers:

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{Formula I found: T = 5N – 63}        

For the T-shape that had N to equal 40, this is what I predict:

T = (5 x 40) – 63

   = 200 – 63

   = 137

To check my prediction was correct, I added up all of the numbers in the T-shape.

40 + 31 + 21 + 22 + 23 = 137

For the T-shape that had N to equal 43, this is what I predict:


This is a preview of the whole essay