The Koch Snowflake

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                Constança Cassinelli

The Koch Snowflake – Portfolio SL Type I

 Stage 0         Stage 1          Stage 2        Stage 3        Stage 4

  1. Using an initial side length of 1, the table below was created to show the values  of Nn, ln, Pn, and An for n=0, 1, 2 and 3.

It can be seen that each successive terms of values for Nn are multiplied by 4 : -

        3x4=12,   12x4 =48,   48x4=192 , etc;

The relationship between each values of Ln is that each of these are multiplied by 1/3 to equal the successive value :-        

        1x1/3 = 1/3,    1/3 x 1/3 = 1/9,    1/9 x 1/3 = 1/27 , etc;

The perimeter was found by multiplying the Number of sides with the length of the sides and there is no evident relationship between the values of perimeter.

The area was found by calculating the triangles added to the main triangle and then adding that to the area of the main triangle. As each value of n increases, the difference between each successive value of An decreases.


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  1. The graph for Number of sides supports the generalisation that to calculate the proceding value of number of sides, the preceding value must be multiplied by 4.

It can be deduced from the graph of Side length that 1/3n can be applied to all values of n to calculate the length of the sides of the fractal. Verifying it with the values of side length in the table :



n = 0 : 1/30 = 1

                        n = 1 : 1/31 = 1/3

                        n = 2 : 1/3² = 1/9

                        n = 3 ...

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