The purpose of this experiment is to plan design and carry out an experiment to compare the stomatal density of the upper and lower side of a leaf of my choice.

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IT Key Skills In Biology


The purpose of this experiment is to plan design and carry out an experiment to compare the stomatal density of the upper and lower side of a leaf of my choice.

This is relevant to my AS course in Biology as I am currently studying transpiration. This is a process involoving stomata opening and closing to release moisture from the plant. Therefore the amount and distribution of these stomata is very relevant to what I am learning.

Null Hypothesis is that ‘there will be no difference between the stomatal density on the upper and lower sides of the leaf.


  • leaves of a privit or similar plant
  • plain glass slides and cover slides
  • scalpel/sharp knife
  • nail varnish
  • Electron Microscope
  • Small painting brush
  • Forceps


Method for determining stomatal density:

(see attached sheet for source of method)

  • Select a few leaves from a privit or similar plant
  • Cover the upper surface of one of the leaves with a thin layer of nail varnish using a small brush
  • Repeat this on the lower surface of one of the other leaves
  • When varnish is dry peel layer off upper surface of the first leaf. (Use forceps)
  • Place this on a microscope slide with a tiny amount of water and label the slide U (upper surface)
  • Repeat this process with the lower surface of second leaf. (label this slide L)
  • Examine both slides under microscope using high and medium power.
  • Take an area on each leaf to count stomata. Calculate the area of the field of view. ( formula = πr²)
  • From this calaculate the number of stomata per unit area on each side of the leaf.
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Method for Eyepiece graticule calibration:

  1. Insert the eyepiece into the microscope
  2. Place stage micrometer on microscope stage
  3. Focus low power objective on stage slide
  4. Adjust stage and eyepiece scales until eyepiece scale lies along the single line of the stage scale.

  • The eyepiece scale is divided into 100 divisions
  • The calibration slide scale is 1mm divided into 100 small divisions therefore each division is equivelant to 10 μm


Eyepiece graticule calibration calculations:

Upper on medium power:

medium = 13.5μm

13.5 x 100 = 1350 μm

Radius = 1350 ÷ ...

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