The report investigated the weight, height, arm span and shoe size of 20 males and females included their records, discussion whether they are overweight or underw

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Name: Nguyen Vu Thanh Thu                Date: 19/01/2006

AE1: Scientific Investigation


  1. Abstract

  1. Introduction

  1. Method

  1. Results

  1. Discussion

  1. Conclusion

  1. Reference

  1. Abstract:

The report investigated the weight, height, arm span and shoe size of 20 males and females included their records, discussion whether they are overweight or underweight, and final conclusion about the result. The final result after discussion is gender does have affect on height, weight, arm span and shoe size.

  1. Introduction:

The science report investigate the body mass (height, weight, arm span and shoe size) to understand relationship between weight, height and arm span. Body mass data of 20 people of both genders in the same age range from 19 to 23 will be used in the report. I predict some of the people will be overweight, underweight and balance; arm span will be approximately equal to height and height is relating to weight. My hypothese is gender will have affected on body mass of height, weight, arm span and shoe size.

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  1. Method:

The data of 20 males and females within age range of 19 to 23 will be collect. The data will be presents in a table, which include note and BMI. Graphs will be sketch base on the data table. BMI will be used to determine the balance of body.

BMI=Weight (Kilograms)                  

            Height2 (Metres)

  1. Results:

There is no overweight or obese people in the data table, most of them are underweight and balance as their BMI results are below 18.0 and ...

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