"The taller the pupil, the heavier they will weigh."

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MayfieldSchoolis a secondary school of 1183 pupils aged 11-16 years of age. For my data handling coursework I have got to investigate a line of enquiry from the pupils' data. Some of the options include; relationship between IQ and Key Stage 3 results, comparing hair colour and eye colour, but I have chosen to investigate the relationship between height and weight. One of the main reasons being that this line of enquiry means that my data will be numerical, allowing me to produce a more detailed analysis rather than eye or hair colour where I would be quite limited as to what I can do.

If I were to make an original prediction of my results, my hypothesis would be;

"The taller the pupil, the heavier they will weigh."

In this project I will consider the link between height and weight and will eventually be able to state whether my original hypothesis is in fact correct. Other factors I am going to consider when performing this investigation, is the effect of age and gender in my results and I will make further hypothesize when I reach that stage in my project.

Collecting Data

I have originally decided to take a random sample of 30 girls and 30 boys; this will leave me with a total of 60 pupils. I have chosen to use this amount as I feel this will be an adequate amount to retrieve results and conclusions from, although on the other hand it is not too many which would make my graph work far more difficult and in some cases harder to work with. To retrieve my data I am going to firstly use a random sample as this means that my data is not biased in any way, and all of the pupils will vary in height, weight and age - although I will have an equal gender ratio. To obtain this sample, I could have written the numbers of all 580 girls in one hat, and 603 boys in the other, then selected 30 bits of paper from either hat and look up their details from the number they are in the register. Although I though an easier way of performing this task is by using the 'Rand' button on my calculator. To retrieve 30 random numbers I would have to input; Int, Rand, 1(580,30) for the girls and change the 580 to 603 for the boys. This then means that the calculator will give me 30 whole numbers within the range of 1-580 or 1-603. This is the random sample that I obtained;

Girls Boys

I need a more useful representive of the data shown above, so I have decided to sort my data out and put it into height and weight frequency tables. As I will be able to see the data far more clearly and it will allow me to plot graphs from the data with less difficulty.

Weight Frequency Tables

Girls Boys

Height Frequency Tables

Girls Boys

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Because both height and weight are continuous data, I have chosen to group the data in class intervals of tens as this allows me to handle large sets of data more easily and will be easier to use when plotting graphs. In both the height and weight column, '120 ≤ h < 130', this means '120 up to but not including 130', any value greater than or equal to 120 but less than 130 would go in this interval. I feel I am now at the stage where I can go on to record my results in graph form. This ...

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