To find a relationship between the opposite corners in various shapes and sizes.

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Gemma McCormick

Opposite Corners

Aim: - To find a relationship between the opposite corners in various shapes and sizes.

First I am going to draw a square that will be 10 squares in depth and 10 squares in width. I am the going to number the squares 1 to 100, 1 in the top corner and 100 in the bottom square.  I will then draw a series of two by two squares inside my main grid. The aim being to find out a relationship between the opposite corners inside the small boxes.

Ten by Ten (2x2)

  I am now going to multiply the opposite corners in each box (Note the boxes are highlighted in red)

Box 1

14 x 25 = 350

15 x 24 = 360

I am now going to look at the difference in each corner by subtracting my two answers.

350 – 360 = 10

The difference between the opposite corners was ten; I am now going to see if this is repeated.  To do this I will repeat the process until my results show a constant pattern.

56 x 67 = 3752

57 x 66 = 3752

3762 – 3752 = 10

The difference again is 10, this would lead me to believe that there is a pattern, but I am going to repeat this process again to see if still get the same result.


81 x 92 = 7452

82 x 91 = 7462

7462 – 7452 = 10

Again the difference is 10.

I am can now definitely see a pattern, so I am going to try and work at a relationship sing algebraic equations.

X = 14

    = 14 + 1 = 15

    = 14 + 10 = 24

    = 14 + 11 = 25

I have found a way to find out the opposite corners in a 2 x 2 square in a 10 by 10 grid.

I will now test this using random square (Highlighted in green)

X= 41

   =  41 + 1 = 42

   = 41 + 10 = 51

   = 41 + 11 = 52

This system does work as I have tested it with out looking at the numbers.

Ten by Ten (3x3)


I am now going investigate squares that are 3 by 3 and see if I get the same sort of results. (i.e. a predictable outcome) I will do this using the same system as above.

1 x 23 = 23

3 x 21 = 3

23 – 63 = 40

Here I’ve used the system as in the 2 x 2, but this time my final answer is 40.

I can’t see a pattern between this and my previous grid. I am going to carry out the same tests to see if my results are consistent.  Then I can make decision about the results and carry on my tests.

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46 x 64 = 2944

44 x 66 = 2904

2944 x 2904 = 40

Again the result is 40 this does seem to follow a pattern, but maybe not the same as the grid before.

77 x 99 = 7623

79 x 97 = 7663

7623 – 7663 = 40

There is definitely a relationship between opposite corners in this grid, as again my result was 40.

I will now see if I can make an algebraic grid to help me work out my results quicker.

I will now test this by ...

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** The general pattern for a 10 x 10 grid is identified. There is some extension of the investigation. However this is limited. To improve this investigation more algebraic manipulation is needed to verify the identified pattern. There should be multiplication of double brackets and the identification of an nth term. Specific strengths and improvements have been suggested throughout.