To investigate how the T number moves across And down effects the T total.

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To investigate how the T number moves across

And down effects the T total.

        8 by 10 grids

I have colored numbers inside the grid so it looks like a letter T.

I have also done this on a 9 by 10 grid and a 10 by 10 grid.

To investigate how the T number moves across

And down effects the T total.

In this investigation I had to find out how the T number moves across and down, effects the T total. I used grid sizes of 8 by 10, 9 by 10 and 10 by 10.

The T number is the number at the bottom of the T.


                        18 = the T number

The T total is all the numbers inside the T added together.

        1 + 2 + 3 + 10 + 18 = 34 
34 = the T total

I drew 3 grids to show how the T moves across and down on them.
Here are my results.

8 by 10 grid going down and across.

I found out that going across the grid once, and adding 5 to the last t-total gives you the next t–total.

Then I found out that going down the grid once, and adding 40 to the last t–total gives you the next t–total.

If you multiply the difference going across by the gridsize you get the difference going down.


5 * 8 = 40

9 by 10 grid going down and across.

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I found out that going across the grid once and adding 5 to the next t-total gives you the next t-total.

Then I found out that going down the grid once, and adding 45 to the last t–total gives you the next t–total.

If you multiply the difference going across by the gridsize you get the difference going down.

5 * 9 = 45

10 by 10 grid going down and across.

I found out that going across the grid once and adding 5 to the next t-total gives you the next t-total.


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