Towers of Hanoi Investigation

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Our course work is called the towers of Hanoi. We were asked to have x number of discs and move them to a different place in the least number of moves possible. There are two other places you can move them to. This is what it looks like with 4 discs.

You have to move all of the discs to either B or C, they have to be in the same order. While moving the discs you can not put a bigger disc on top of a smaller one.
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We are to try with different numbers of discs and see if you can find a rule or a pattern

Number of discs and its moves


. 1-B

2 Discs

2. 1-B

3. 2-C

4. 1-C

3 Discs

. 1-B

2. 2-C

3. 1-C

4. 3-B

5. 1-A

6. 2-B

7. 1-B

4 Discs

. 1-B

2. 2-C

3. 1-C

4. 3-B

5. 1-A

6. 2-B

7. 1-B

8. 4-C


This is a preview of the whole essay