Witchfinder Response.

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Bobbie Turney

Witchfinder Response

Diary of Mary Brierley


A very cold frost this January morning and even putting extra logs on the fire couldn’t warm up my little cottage. Thank goodness it’s nestled here just inside the woods or that bitter wind would be worst.

After wrapping up in every bit of clothing I could find I went out to feed the chickens and collect the eggs, the goat, bless her got a bit grumpy when I tried to milk her, didn’t want to get up out of the straw I reckon.

I went into the woods and checked my traps – found a brace of rabbits. Gutting and skinning them soon warmed my hands, they hadn’t been dead long and the blood was still warm.

I made a rabbit stew and added some of my vegetables, they are lasting the winter well. Oh how I look forward to the planting in the spring, watching them grow and hopefully getting another good crop next autumn.

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Gimble the cat never ventured far from that stew pot and the warmth of the fire. He did well with all the scraps and how he purrs when I stroke him.

The cold gets right into my old bones now and I made up some ointment with rosemary, marjoram, pepper, and lavender mixed together with goose fat. It warms the joints.


Had a visitor – Mrs Ridley – she was suffering with many aches and pains, so put some of my ointment in a little cup for her and made her some of my healing tea ...

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