Analyse the effectiveness of two car adverts, focusing on how they use safety as a feature.

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Analyse the effectiveness of two car adverts, focusing on how they use safety as a feature           By Chelsey Cable  

I feel that the Hyundai advert is more effective at using safety as a feature. In this essay I will show how both adverts use safety as a feature but also how varying language, tone, layout can contribute to the effectiveness of the adverts. Images and “celebrity” opinions can also be used to trigger emotions or feelings.

 I feel that the target audience for the Saab would be for a family but where the male member wishes to have a car that is “cool” enough for his business trips. ‘All five people inside could, in theory, get up and walk away’. The family need to feel completely safe in the car as crashes do happen; because if they didn’t then safety wouldn’t be used in adverts as much as it is. Also this advert must be aimed at people who are mature and intelligent. ‘As Dorothy Parker might have said…” The closing statement of the Saab advert is difficult to understand if you are young as Dorothy Parker was famous in the 1920s.

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 On the contrary I feel the audience addressed in the Hyundai advert is mainly women as they have a very strong maternal instinct towards children, especially is they have children of their own. ‘It could be the life of a small child.’ This advert plays on your fears of hitting a child, and not your child being hit. ‘What are your chances of hitting the child?’ This advert is also addressing more mature people as it is serious instantly and does not contain a humorous approach to any aspect of this car. Even though humour is sometimes a good thing ...

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