Auslegung as the Ausarbetung of Verstehen

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Alvin Aguilar Sario

October 05, 2003

Hermeneutics comes from the Greek word hermeneuein meaning to interpret and its derivative hermeneia meaning interpretation. It has an obvious relation to Hermes, the messenger god of the Greeks. As the master of the language of the gods, he has to translate and explicate the messages of the Olympian gods to the mortals. To describe the various tasks of Hermes, the mortals have a whole set of forms such as linguistics, discourse, interpretation, and understanding. Today, the term hermeneutics denotes concern about the theoria, methode, and praxis, of such fields of knowledge as philosophy, theology, jurisprudence, literature, history, sociology, psychology, and the humanities in general. It is but fair to state that hermeneutics which is simply a German continental affair now becomes a specific discipline of the social and human sciences popular in the whole world. The main task of hermeneutics is to arrive at an understanding of a text through specific methodologies using various theories to explicate truth. The problem is how to arrive at verstehen. What is the nature and goal of verstehen, for example. How do we interpret it? What are its multiple layers and concerns? How do we untangle these multiple layers?

This paper attempts to define the relationship between auslegung and verstehen. The paper assumes that in order to capture the answers on the problems already posed requires a general understanding and interpretation of the process of the hermeneutik. In other words, the paper will show that interpretation is the working out of understanding as evidenced by the German hermeneutic tradition. To do this requires us a review of the analytic of such hermeneutic tradition. Main considerations are the ideas of Schleiermacher, Droysen, Boeckh, Dilthey, Heidegger, and Gadamer.

Auslegung & Verstehen in the German Hermeneutic Tradition

Friedrich Schleiermacher is the best representation of a true watershed in hermeneutic development because he brought together and synthesized major trends from older schools and laid the foundation for modern hermeneutics. For him, verstehen starts from man's sphrachfahigkeit (linguisticality), which is his knowledge of sprache (language) and his mastery of rede (speech). This means that one should know grammar in order to know language. Once able to express his linguistic competence in sprechacte (speech acts) which produce rede (utterances) that he is enabled to understand others' utterances. For Schleiermacher, the system of language and the inner system of thought are the aspects and layers of understanding utterances. The act of speaking which is the modification of language is the development of the human person. The act of speaking which is the development of the human person is the modification of language. This means that Schleiermacher sees verstehen as something which corresponds to the two distinct modes of auslegung: grammatical and psychological interpretations. Each utterance must be both seen as a formation of interpersonal linguistic system and as a speaker's life-process. Therefore, man as the linguistic being is the place where sprache articulates itself in each rede and where each spoken word utterance can only be understood in relation to the totality of sprache. In addition, man as a constant mind-evolving being sees his speaking as a moment of his mental life. With this extrapolation, the act of verstehen is the act of auslegung but there is no actual distinction between the two concepts in the entire hermeneutic process.

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Johann Gustav Droysen is known as the leading historian of the Prussian School of Historiography. As a historian, his task is to interpret history in the context of verstehen. He thought that one should go beyond the purely semantic or rational meaning of an utterance and consider its psychological, emotional, and spiritual content. He believes that an utterance in order to be understood fully must also be comprehended as an expression of something internal. To understand history is to see history as an expression of man's inwardness and inner nature. It is the past within the present which makes ...

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