Bella - Magazine Front Cover Analysis. The prominent display of the woman in the front cover is the first thing one notices at a first glance of the magazine. This, without further inspection suggests to the potential buyer that Bella is a womans magaz

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People buy magazines relating to their interests; i.e. gamers will buy magazines, fashion enthusiasts are more likely to buy fashion magazines which will fulfil their passion(s). All magazines have a specific target audience which they are made to appeal to which includes but is not limited to: age, gender and social class. The front cover of a magazine is the pillar upon which the contents are held, it is more important than the content itself to appeal to first-time buyers, the front cover needs to attract the attention of the potential buyer via a different combination of techniques such as: connotations, colours, compact headings, relative images, design and journalistic devices. In this essay I will be discussing the use of techniques in the women’s magazine Bella.

Colours are used to great effect on the front cover; a particular instance is the use of opposite and contrasting colours; the four main colours used are: yellow, black, pink and blue. The background is plain blue and seems as a sort of foundation stone upon which the other details are placed (images, writing). This is contrasted by the radiant and more feminine colours such as pink and yellow which are used predominantly in the foreground. The use of blue which is thought of as a masculine colour, as opposed to pink as feminine, could be described as oxymoronic due to the target audience of the magazine being mainly female. However the use of blue as the background colour could be thought of as a clever tactic by the designers because of the feminine interest towards men albeit this reference being entirely indirect. The explicit use of pink in the front cover denotes the common stereotype of women due to it being typically associated with femininity.

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The prominent display of the woman in the front cover is the first thing one notices at a first glance of the magazine. This, without further inspection suggests to the potential buyer that Bella is a woman’s magazine. The beaming smile of the woman is shown in great prominence portraying the general mood of the magazine as positive. The picture has also been edited to give an airbrushed finish and therefore looks more glamorous. Upon closer inspection one can also see the lack of make-up used; this is essential to the marketing strategy of Bella representing real women with real ...

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